Subject: can swine flu prevent me from mongering!?
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Post at 12-6-2009 21:03  Profile P.M. 
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can swine flu prevent me from mongering!?

hey guys.. i dont know if bros here are aware that swine flu are spreading! i would prefer to take rest first and come back later... better be safe for me!!!
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Post at 12-6-2009 21:47  Profile P.M. 
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i think everyone's pretty aware of the situation but i don't think it'll be causing a HUGE problem in the mongering scene.

just be hygenic.
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Post at 13-6-2009 00:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 romina_0385's post

bye bye ... see you when you get blue balls !
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Post at 13-6-2009 00:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 romina_0385's post

Just don't kiss the girl ... you should be safe.  If we had another case of SARS (god forbid), then I would be definitely on the sidelines.
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Post at 13-6-2009 09:56  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by romina_0385 at 2009/6/12 05:03 AM
hey guys.. i dont know if bros here are aware that swine flu are spreading! i would prefer to take rest first and come back later... better be safe for me!!!

More for the rest of us I guess.


Don't flame me, I swear those insults were supposed to be taken as compliments!
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Post at 15-6-2009 11:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Thai-delight's post

Just being in the same lift for 3 to 5 mins, we can get the flu virus from the infected person.

Having sex for 20 to 30 mins with a infected person, you would have 90% - 100% chance of hitting the jackpot (Flu virus).
Thus whether you kiss her or not does not matter.
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Post at 15-6-2009 16:12  Profile P.M. 
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Hate to say this, the virus can stay on a table or any other surface from 2 to 8 hours. The worst thing you can handle is a door handle. How many of you guys wash your hands? Worse ones are theones in the toilets.

Washing your hands and not rubbing your eyes are the number one deterrents of catching the flu.
But hey, I guess you can stay at home, not go anywhere and not see anyone for a few months or years, you will definitely not catch the cold or flu. However, like the kid in England he died after finally catching the flu after years of staying at home and never getting sick.

Swine Flu/ Flu parties may not be the best way to go, but they are on the right track
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Post at 15-6-2009 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 Myworld's post

I know, I know ... just living in denial
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Post at 15-6-2009 23:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Thai-delight's post

Well, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime
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Post at 16-6-2009 10:56  Profile P.M. 
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The good news is that H1N1 is relatively benign, fatal mostly for people who have severe existing conditions (like weakened immune systems), or who are weakened by age.  In my end of the world we have had 4 deaths, and 100% of them had existing conditions.  Otherwise, we have had a pile of cases that all pass without grave incident.

The reports of the school closings in HK is a little concerning, but I think that fast action is the best way to keep it in check.  I am considering a mask for my next flights, not sure if I will or not.

I will say this (and tip to all out of country mongerers):  hotels and airfares to HK (and much of asia) are pretty much the lowest I have ever seen.  My July visit will be less than 50% of the cost of my previous trip, both the hotel and the airfare are insanely low (4.5 star hotel on the cheap, gotta love it).   I wish I had more actual time, I would stay longer.  But hey, real life gets in the way!
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Post at 16-6-2009 12:19  Profile P.M. 
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So far, swine flu isn't proving to be any more lethal than ordinary flu outbreaks that each year kill 25~50K people the world over.

What the meds fear is that the swine flu will mutate this summer, with the arrival of the southern hemisphere's colder weather flu season, into something more lethal.

It seems that bad flu epidemics often occur in two stages: a first milder wave that seems to affect only a limited number of people, followed 6 mths to year later by a second more virulent wave. So the real damage, if there is any, will occur during our next flu season.

By the way, I've read somewhere that masks are far more effective in preventing someone from spreading disease to others than they are at protecting people from becoming infected.

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 16-6-2009 13:22 ]

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 16-6-2009 13:37  Profile P.M. 
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yea i don't know what the big deal is all about.  swine flu seems to be no different than regular flu.
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Post at 16-6-2009 22:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 Marsupial's post

Mars, I'm no expert, but wouldn't getting this flu give you some immunity to the mutated version, so if you do this one, it can actualy prove beneficial to a certain extent?
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Post at 16-6-2009 23:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 Thai-delight's post

Interesting question. I'm no expert either, but I would think that the closer the similarity to the mutated virus, the more immunity you would get from being exposed to the forerunner. I've read that those born before 1957 might already have some immunity because swine flu is similar to the strain that was around before being replaced by the Hong Kong flu that year.

On the other hand, the reason people get the flu each year is that all it takes is a small variation to defeat immunity acquired from exposure to the previous year's dominant strain.

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 17-6-2009 11:39  Profile P.M. 
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I'd be more worried about getting sick from riding MTR during rush hour.  Besides swine flu is looking no worse (in terms of mortality) than any other type of flu that occurs every year......SARS was way more freightening
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Post at 17-6-2009 13:45  Profile P.M. 
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it's pretty easy, keep fit, eat well and sleep well
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Post at 18-6-2009 07:23  Profile P.M. 
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Depends also om age, old dudes like me, the over 40 once have anti bodies for a flu that is quite similair which went round in the 50's and 60's.
That is why there are relativly more deads in the young age category, normally the weak and elderly are struck. now more the younger generation
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Post at 18-6-2009 10:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 alex67's post

Only those born before 1957 - read post #14 - might have some degree of immunity to swine flu.

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也

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