I feel all those reports are like porn stories, cant believe people can remember such sordid details, its like they are blogging straight from the hotel bed. I myself need a sharp memory on financial meeting and i dont even remember bed stories.
If comments are straights off the girls database aka youtube style, it might be a great help to me. But in my 6 years i never had problems with wg characters and such. Unless crimes, health hazards is a factor, ill definitely post about it. I normally get in do it and get out.
To reiterate my topic, I dont think ill ever spend $800 on a hotel girl unless its korean/jp gal ever again. Last time i went last october is also a big turn off where papasan tried bait switch 3x before i cancelled it. I still browse tst databse 3x a week but none of them can compared to the ones in Jordan which has llittle to no makeups, natural beauty, slim and only cost $220. Hotel girls nowadays look many years older than stated not including heavy slutty makeups and photoshopped face . But still there are few that can turn me on.
Anyway, to each his own, cleanliness can be a factor for everyone here so my opinion is more akin to the locals.
Last edited by hkboy141 at 6-5-2009 17:15 ]