Subject: Sources in Other Cities
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 25-4-2009 20:30  Profile P.M. 
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Sources in Other Cities

Anyone ever use other sources/DB's/adverts to find outcalls when in other cities (ie., CL, etc?)  Care to share any
experiences or recommendations for Singapore, Shanghai and Beijing?  I have all three cities coming up in the next few weeks and would need to have outcall to my hotel as I will be traveling with colleagues.  All recommendations are appreciated.
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 26-4-2009 00:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 DiamnondDave's post


I was in Singapore a few weeks ago and did a little investigating.  The basic online mongering resource there appears to be...  [By the way, I just tested the link.  They used to have zillions of reviews, but on first glance, I couldn't find them just now.  Perhaps you now have to register to read the reviews.]

I did a little recon of the Geylang red-light district during the day.  Lots of 141-style possibilities there, but I didn't partake.  I ended up using a HG service that has a web presence.  See...  I don't know if they would do outcall, but I was extremely satisfied with the service, so it's worth a try.

I hope this helps.  I'll also be in Shanghai and Beijing in the next few months, so if you learn anything useful, please post!  Thanks...  

Have fun, CGP

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