Subject: Where are all the young 18+ girls in Hong Kong?
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Post at 20-5-2024 16:03  Profile P.M. 
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Where are all the young 18+ girls in Hong Kong?

Someone made fun of my stomping grounds at Lai Chi Kok in PE because the women there are too old. OK, fine, but where are the younger 141 walk in ladies at? Thanks.

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proplus   20-5-2024 16:39  Acceptance  +1   Mostly King Hing in MK and JSL in TST.
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Post at 20-5-2024 17:10  Profile P.M. 
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Also, there’s a few at 135-137 Prince Edward Rd East, just around the corner from 56-58 LCK Rd.

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a_vayes   25-5-2024 08:07  Acceptance  +1   Thanks
SexPatBateman   20-5-2024 20:04  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
drjoker6969   20-5-2024 17:37  Acceptance  +2   Thanks.
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Post at 21-5-2024 22:49  Profile P.M. 
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slickric423   24-5-2024 02:49  Acceptance  +5   dont let random names on a forum dictate who you punt! haha
bgaryl   22-5-2024 14:56  Acceptance  +3   This is the way

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