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Post at 16-4-2024 23:03  Profile P.M. 
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Foreign WGs on Telegram in Hong Kong

So on Telegram I use the people nearby function to find WGs. A lot of people blatantly advertise any kind of sex service on Telegram doing this. Anyways I found a bunch of foreign WGs with this. I found these two American WGs and a Russian near Olympia Stn.
Now these women all ask to be paid in odd ways.

The Russian woman asks to be paid in Apple Gift Cards. The American girls are asking to be paid in USDT which is supposed to be a form of Crypto. Now I understand why these girls ask to be paid like this since it is not easy to trace, carrying too much cash makes the WGs a target for robbery and rape (one of the American girls said that she had a friend who got robbed and raped before in HK), you cannot be lugging around with so much cash in your purse when they go on tour and people do try to pay in counterfeit cash.

Have you guys gone through this experience before? What do you think? Is this for real or is it a scam?

I have asked some brothers about this and they say yes. What is your opinion about this overall? I kind of got scared by this and I did not take up their offer.

Recent Ratings
JackTheBat   18-4-2024 18:45  Acceptance  +2   Scam.
drunkmunky   17-4-2024 01:12  Acceptance  +2   I would prefer that if you were to post a thread about TG, that you contribute to the rest of the community by sharing r ...

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