Subject: STD and HIV how safe is it with thiese 141 girls
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Post at 4-6-2007 15:17  Profile P.M. 
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STD and HIV how safe is it with thiese 141 girls

Question of HIV or STD : How safe is it ? with 141 girls ?

Do these girls have regular check-up? How about certificate do they carry it ?

Any comments appreciated.

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Post at 4-6-2007 16:31  Profile P.M. 
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The govt. ignores these women since they work through a legal there's no incentive for them to get a health check other than their own desire to do're unlilkely to find one who has legitimately done so, and even if they do, they don't need people hassling them to prove them have done, so you're probably out of luck in terms of seeing 'paper'....
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Post at 5-6-2007 07:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Michel's post

Unless you were thinking of bareback or oral without (either way) then I don't see that much of a risk if you are covered than any other pussy you'd be screwing.

As for a certificate of hygeine if one did exist in hk would you trust one given to you by a 141 girl?

Punting is good for you.
Not sure if it's doing the wallet any good though!
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Post at 5-6-2007 13:53  Profile P.M. 
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bro. michel: Best to assume that you are playing at your own risk.
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Post at 6-6-2007 09:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Michel's post


this girls, do take care of them selves alot more than you think. i mean they earn all yhat cash ... it would be a shame if they couldn't spend it or use it the way they wanted it if thewir sick .... i've talk ed to alot of girls in fuji building and " they got insurence pllans better than mine.. hahahahaha. and i thought i was cheap about my health . if you still find my comment to shipish then go for the expence girls.. or hotel girls that just come out new... the price tags alittle hihger but you sorta garentted that you're the first one before the rest... you'll be guled to the pc trying to find this new chicks... so the choise is your.. or you can look at the pics and drool thinking i'll do this one this way or that way.. etc, etc. and stay infron of the pc and choke the chicken la. hahahahahaha.... decisions decisions. thats why you're an adult.

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Post at 8-6-2007 01:39  Profile P.M. 
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New girls are by no means more safer.  Often will find more experienced girls know how to take care of selves.  New girls, particularly from countryside often have not used condoms before coming to HK, guys here might be there 2nd, 3rd, 4th guy... many really are not experienced in sex.  Do not assume new girls know anything about STIs or condoms.
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Post at 8-6-2007 09:09  Profile P.M. 
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thats true S.steve, you're right about that too !! i forgot completely!!, just when ypou get up close and personel you'll know if she's expoerianced or not... then your cleanliness of her just rides in..., so, michel relax!!!! just remember to have buckle your  seat belt up and drive safely and everthing will be fine. for both BJ and ML and youll be fine....fuck i feel like i'm a teacher teaching students the safty of sex Ed in school. God michel!!  you're a adult now(i hope).... we humans were born to take risks...and chances. you don't take the chance you don't get the benifits or desaters that comes along with that, for fuck sake make your own choice. think of the poor girl doing what she has to so to make a living, so to the hell with your question "STD and HIV how safe is it with thiese 141 girls".

ps. sorry bros i'm not angry or anything its just that. i just wish brothers wouyld think before they ask questions.

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