I live on HK island, so I occasionally scan the Wan Chai / Causeway Bay hotel girls. I also enjoy a bargain, so I also scan the Prince Edward hotel listings. I've noticed a number of situations in which an $800 Wan Chai hotel girl will show up for a day or two as a $450 Prince Edward hotel girl. For example...
Siu Tim Yee is usually in Wan Chai or Causeway Bay, but is currently in Prince Edward...
Siu Jin Jin is usually in Causeway Bay, but was in Prince Edward for a day several weeks back...
I assume that the switches are made because of hotel rates and/or availability. PE is less convenient for me, but not $350 less convenient. Has anyone noticed this phenomenon and sampled the PE wares? Is there any difference in the service -- for example, does a girl get "sent to PE" when it's that time of the month?