I have recently noticed many providers and agencies have started using Telegram as their main platform of operation. It doesn’t surprise me as Telegram seems to offer a bunch features that claim privacy and discretion. The group chats that people can subscribe to are quite vast and offer a lot of information. Pictures and videos work well on the app and my phone blows up every morning because they all post their daily spam in the mornings. This has actually been a good thing unlike days in the past where some agents wouldn’t even come online until 4-6 pm. So this one spa in particular spms photos all day and night, but I have yet been able to book with them. Isn’t that fucking ironic? I tried new numbers, no caller ID, or blocked numbers and no success. They ask for previous records but no other agent has given me permission to do so. Even after telling them I could have sent it without their permission. So I am shit out of luck. I guess. You’d think with the amount of hobbying I do…I just want to say thanks to all the agents out there. This is one way to get me to cut down on the hobby, just don’t allow me to book.
Just a rant…
carry on….