Over months and years, I have noticed some ladies were mindful where I was putting my fingers and how I was using them...
Fair point
They are right, so as a matter of principle I tried to cut my nails VERY SHORT (clipped them today that's why this post popped up)
...so when facing some reactions, I show them the ...Fingers with nails clipped very short...and that settles the matter...and I get ...Karma points from them.
A while ago I read somewhere that some are reluctant to be ..."eaten alive" ...
It's not WEIRD (no, I cannot be serious ever! Born This Way, as Lady Gaga sang)...if consistent.
On this the lines are blurred too
(much better than the original version from the Masked "Singer" Robin Thicke)
A lady painted very conservative on this proved to be otherwise when in pair with a close friend of hers (and very close to me too); so she was the "guest".
When the 3 of us were in the shower for the Listerine Protocol, I corrected their way of handling the cap to further reduce potential risks.
Well received and appreciated (they still do this way now).
...so no problem whatsoever when ...the diner was served.
Anyway, as JackTheBat pointed a while ago,
if you pay attention to those ladies, understand them, respect them and make it easier for them, it becomes easy and simple for all and absolutely rewarding.
Of course, there are some that are clueless, bevahe like robots, short term oriented and will never value that, but they deserve the benefit of the doubt.
That is why I prefer very experienced ladies in their 40s. In general, very smooth sailing.