Subject: Tinder question
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Post at 5-11-2020 00:40  Profile P.M. 
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Tinder question

Fellow mongers, I hear some good encounters on scout. However, no reports on tinder. Isn’t that the hook up app of all time? Anyone tried and can share some insight?


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Bloodrage   5-11-2020 18:08  Acceptance  +1   loads of scammers, usually say they R from China or Taiwan. my first Q ask where they are from.
zennor   5-11-2020 06:02  Acceptance  +5   Had good experiences with Tinder. in Manila and Macau. It's up front: date + ??? Just try your luck.
drunkmunky   5-11-2020 05:50  Acceptance  +2   I think there are many more options beyond tinder. take a look at this section, you can see many people have alternative ...
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Post at 5-11-2020 13:38  Profile Blog P.M. 
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If you have some game, you can try Tinder.  In the US, it is basically a "hook-up" portal / app, so if you are handsome, charming, in great shape, have lots of money, great job and glittering personality, I'd say give Tinder a shot.  You should be able to get some freebies easily.

Married guys are not suppose to be on Tinder, and they can ban you if they find out or if someone reports you.

From the girl's perspective, I've met girls who have been on Tinder and SA, and they say they meet better looking guys on Tinder who will give them a good fuck, but there is usually no allowance discussed or expected.

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Tapthatass   6-11-2020 00:28  Acceptance  +4   

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