Subject: Which one?
Erotic Emperor
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UID 185558
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Post at 10-2-2020 07:01  Profile P.M. 
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Which one?

Been taking a break and about to jump back in, want #3 she has a body and sass attitude that make me think of what she will do when I arrive

but the “Authentic Korean GFE” gives me serious pause

What do the brothers think, sadly haven’t figured out how to do a poll.

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Recent Ratings
Pinkpuffy69   13-2-2020 19:07  Acceptance  +3   Are u sure to get one of these girls? I feel like most bay area places it's going to be a bait n switch
Marcade   11-2-2020 08:22  Acceptance  +3   #3; the first two give me the mechanical/starfish vibe ..
Bloodrage   10-2-2020 21:03  Acceptance  +1   1. Looks younger n petite. How much? Which agent. Wish they don't cover their face
batman108   10-2-2020 10:13  Acceptance  +6   awesome and thanks...where are they?
Explorer1   10-2-2020 09:31  Acceptance  +4   One at a time, penetrate all of them
Rayguy   10-2-2020 09:11  Acceptance  +1   First one. And where can I find these girls?

Erotic Emperor
Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 185558
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Credits 2498
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Registered 22-3-2017
Location Aged like a fine wine
Status Offline
Post at 11-2-2020 06:00  Profile P.M. 
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USA, Southbay


Recent Ratings
batman108   11-2-2020 10:04  Acceptance  +6   awesome and or wechat?


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