Subject: More on feet
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Post at 25-10-2008 13:33  Profile P.M. 
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More on feet

When I was in my late 20s back in Canada I had an Anglo-Indian girlfriend who was into Yoga way before this became a fad among housewives. Her mother her taught her since childhood and she could do amazing things with her body, like put both feet behind her head. I could barely bring my feet close enough to my head to suck my own toes!
She was also totally into sex and showed me an Indian book that she had found among her grandmother’s things called the Kama Sutra which was full of amazing drawings of sexual positions. Most of them seemed to be impossible unless both participants were Yoga masters.
We tried out some of them during the two years we were together.
This girl seemed to have erogenous zones all over her body, including her feet and she loved to have her feet massaged and kissed as part of foreplay.
Amazingly, one day she came up with the idea of putting her tiny feet together, sole to sole, right in front of her mouth. She did this sitting with her back against the bedrest so that she was upright and she held her ankles in place with her hands. It took a little experimentation, but finally by kneeling on two pillows I was at just the right height to stick my penis into her foot-mouth love tunnel.  The feeling was incredible and I don’t think I managed more than a dozen thrusts before I came like a fountain.
The sperm was all over her feet and mouth and we both collapsed panting, giggling and hugging. She was only about 23 and in those days I could have a second erection within minutes so it wasn’t long before we were fucking like rabbits again.
Her feet were just the right size for the space between her arches to be tight enough for my cock and we tried foot fucking in many different positions. She also loved to use my big toes as cock substitutes, often while I was recovering for another round. She always helped me keep the toenails meticulously trimmed so that the toenails wouldn’t injure her tender pussy. Those were the days!
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Post at 25-10-2008 18:59  Profile P.M. 
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You got me hard already..
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Post at 27-10-2008 20:11  Profile P.M. 
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Check out reports

Check out TwiceAweeks report call 'all in the family' where he describes CG while DATY plus one girl riding each big toe. I think he's now the official foot king.
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Post at 27-10-2008 21:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Siklong69's post

Oh man, I wouldn't have thought of this toe in pussy thing was was anything special until the girl started ...
this was a definite eye opener for me and I'm going to try this on all the girls form now on !  
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Post at 27-10-2008 21:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 twiceAweek's post

I can't imagine how sticking a toe into one's pussy would bring enjoyment....

But then again, maybe because my toes are small??? (comparatively)

Hey Siklong, which part of Canada you from?? I grew up in Toronto.

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