Subject: Russkys Walk up
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Post at 13-8-2018 17:15  Profile Site P.M. 
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Russkys Walk up

After KH raid, Russkys are no where to be seen. Went to Yuen Long to check, only 3 ladies well over 40 smoking and screening bros.

KH was perfect spot with right amount of Russkys and mainland.

Does other bro's spotted any good location with Russkys in Kowloon side? I CC and the other one Wanchai, but bit of a distance from Kowloon...

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batman108   14-8-2018 04:32  Acceptance  +6   awesome and thanks
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Post at 13-8-2018 22:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Jackass.t's post

Well if anyone got their Whatsapp, finding them should be "relatively" easy...

On a side note, when KH went down last time how long did it take to come back up? (Wasn't arround at that time)
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Post at 14-8-2018 16:29  Profile Site P.M. 
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KH this time seems to be gone for 6months or so, last time it was only 2 weeks but this time they sealed all the rooms. God knows how long will it take for WGs to return.

Went to Champagne Court yesterday, all rooms are sealed with Gov notices. I guess Gov is working to crack down all famous establishments. From a familiar Russian WG I hear over 40 been detained and deported. 9 of them got 3-6 months of jail time for posession of illegal substances. Among Russian WGs, there has been warning not to travel to HK. I guess end of Russian era in HK for awhile...

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johnnyquest   14-8-2018 21:03  Acceptance  +1   We shall now all bow our heads and observe a minute of silence in memory of those who are no longer with us.
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Post at 14-8-2018 22:15  Profile P.M. 
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If that's the case then Russians in walk up might be hard to come by for a bit.

Guess there are those honey girl Russians that's in db but not too much report out there for em and they're all around 1300s.

Anyone have good experience with the Russian WGs listed on db or wanna scout em out and write some reports?

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johnnyquest   18-8-2018 09:31  Acceptance  +1   I don't mind the 1300, it's more annoying cuz their service is hit or miss
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Post at 15-8-2018 11:26  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Originally posted by Jackass.t at 14-8-2018 16:29

KH this time seems to be gone for 6months or so, last time it was only 2 weeks but this time they sealed all the rooms. God knows how long will it take for WGs to return.

Went to Champagne  ...

johnnyquest          14-8-2018 21:03          Acceptance          +1          We shall now all bow our heads and observe a minute of silence in memory of those who are no longer with us.

There's always Macau :-)
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Post at 15-8-2018 19:06  Profile P.M. 
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Would you find H$600 a pop Ruskie in Macau? Highly doubt it. Plus there's the added time & travel expenses.

I really hope these girls return to HKG - and may be work from more scattered locations (not just focused on the three buildings - K C F)..

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