Subject: a couple of young ones
Kinky King
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Post at 15-9-2008 19:03  Profile P.M. 
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a couple of young ones

Just had a quick look through at the updates and found a couple of quite young looking girls:

The first one especially looks like she might be remotely close to 18 (I'm hoping not less than)

What do other bros think?  With the amount of WG older than they claim to be, this one is tempting

[ Last edited by  cantgetenough at 15-9-2008 20:34 ]
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Post at 15-9-2008 19:42  Profile P.M. 
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Mi Mi looks tempting. Doesn't look under-aged. Just ripe. This is a nice find.
Annie looks a bit weird and too young. I would probably want to spank her rather than do her.
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Post at 15-9-2008 19:47  Profile P.M. 
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Annie looks like Coffee with different hair and makeup to me. Anyone else see the resemblance?
She wasn't wearing any makeup when I had her a while ago. She gave great GFE service so I might visit her again. If it is Coffee then she isn't 18 anymore. More like 19 or 20.
Kinky King
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Post at 15-9-2008 22:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 cantgetenough's post

Both look nice. Annie is the one that made it to my list first time round (I don't think she's under 18). Some how I overlooked/missed Mi Mi.
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Post at 16-9-2008 01:30  Profile P.M. 
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Hold on....

I though that HK being an ex UK colony would have followed UK law and meant 16 was the statutory age of consent, am I wrong or what?

Wikipedia says

Hong Kong (SAR, China)

In Hong Kong (China) the legal age of consent for sexual activity is 16 years, regardless of gender and/or sexual orientation (Crimes Ord., Cap 200 and a Court Order in 2005).

In Japan its apparently 13 in Osaka prefecture.

but they do look like Jail bait, sort of like coffee who if I passed in the street I would have thought was 12.

[ Last edited by  Kennichi at 15-9-2008 17:32 ]

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Post at 16-9-2008 07:34  Profile P.M. 
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Yeah I think its 16 but still prefer them to be at at least 18 but for being a WG is it still 16?
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Post at 16-9-2008 09:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 cantgetenough's post

Geez, they both look young.  I guess its a matter of seeing them in real life to make the call.  I would do both if given the opportunity.  
Kinky King
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Post at 17-9-2008 21:52  Profile P.M. 
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Now that someone has tried out Annie, its time for someone to try out Mi Mi and report on her.  In my opinion she looks hotter anyways but good possibility that its another photo shop job.
Kinky King
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Post at 18-9-2008 05:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 cantgetenough's post

She's cute but not top of my list. If I hadn't already read Siklong69's report about Annie then Bee would be top of my list:

She's a real hottie I think (based on photos anyhow) but Annie (who was no.2) is now a known quantity .

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