Subject: Venturing out into the new territories
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Post at 13-1-2017 15:27  Profile P.M. 
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Venturing out into the new territories

Over the Christmas break. I wanted to try out some new places and went out to Sheung Shui. I read some reports on the place and was curious. Although the reports were quite a while ago.

This is not a report as I didn't punt, as the quality wasn't to my liking and the setup is different.

I first went to the walk-up on 54-56 San Fung Av. It is actually a sub-divided flat, probably 8 rooms, so you have to ring the front door first. As this setup was new to me, I was hesitant but wanted to see what was on offer. The whole flat was dimly lit, I was let in by the mama and was shown the 2 ladies available. I wasn't impressed, they were older and sub-average in looks. Politely said no thanks and walked out.

I had a look at the walk ups on San Fat Street and it was the same setup, so I didn't bother knocking.  There were a number of massage places, but based on what I seen so far, didn't want to waste any more time in a Sheung Shui.

Not the best outcome, but at least I know not to go back there.

Recent Ratings
hotjac   15-1-2017 13:13  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for the heads up
Mister   13-1-2017 19:57  Acceptance  +1   Pity, some of the girls in the db look presentable, and cheap.
NeverWong   13-1-2017 18:03  Acceptance  +1   Original - Helpful
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Post at 15-1-2017 13:17  Profile P.M. 
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Sheung Shui disappointment

That's really too bad that the experience is not rewarding, it would have been a great place to go to from SZ that would have had relatively safer pooning,

That said, they probably could not compete with what SZ's competing rates and talent availability.

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