Subject: KH Russian Intell Dec-23
Kinky King
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Post at 23-12-2016 17:11  Profile P.M. 
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KH Russian Intell Dec-23

14 Flr, same as previous Report on Dec-19

14Flr: three russian
-One looks Turkish. I fucked her before
-Two ok looking girls. One is blonde but looks older than on first inspections

I bumped into all three girls, they were smoking and chatty!!
///// Dec-23, Still Chatty. The one at the far end looks hot but upclose seems old and is a bit of a push over. The one immediatly at your right is hot! but not too nice.

11flr? I think? Name is Julie. A little meat around the tummy, but seems sweet. Was my #2 pick of the day.

10flr- Seems empty

7flr- Def 2 Russians

6flr- 2 Russians
Azziz likes to fuck and doggie. Gonna write a report now. SHe Chechen. Dark complecion

Recent Ratings
swan   29-12-2016 21:47  Acceptance  +3   
goldfishxo   23-12-2016 19:12  Acceptance  +1   Excellent

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