Subject: Health questions
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Post at 28-6-2016 15:32  Profile P.M. 
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Health questions

First time poster here, and apologies if this is in the wrong place (roast me if you like), but I've been trawling for quite some time and was hoping for advice. I see lots of notes from the site admin about not posting about health advice on certain threads, but I cannot find a section that offers that kind of advice to us newbies.

1) Have any of you picked up any form of STD from just a HE? I have Googled this dozens of times, but there's so much conflicting "professional" advice as to what is in theory and what is in reality. So I thought it best to ask truly experienced bros like yourselves. A yes or no is all I need to hear.

2) Is there a go-to clinic in HK that is best for blood tests for STDs? Privacy is the most important, so I'm not considering a gov't clinic (Wanchai, for example).

Thanks! (BTW this is really a great site, and I want to respect the rules. I'm just really keen for some help on these questions).
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Post at 28-6-2016 18:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 fortune2020's post

There is only one professional you should seek advice from, and that's your local Doctor.
They have a mandate to keep discussions in strictest confidence so you should not fear for privacy.
You should not be relying on the Internet for these kind of health-related risks.
In fact I think it's against forum rules, in case any information here is misinterpreted and make one think we are liable. We are not. Just making that crystal clear. You'd health is yours to own responsibility for and the only thing we can say is o seek a doctor's professional, independent and objective advice.

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MothToAFlame   28-6-2016 23:32  Acceptance  +2   Excellent
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Post at 28-6-2016 19:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 mcmafia09's post

Thanks, but if I had a local doctor I could trust, I might try this route. But I don't (at the moment, I don't need one). Plus I doubt any doctor (I trust) would outright say getting a handjob is perfectly fine, for exactly the (liability) reasons you mention. And as some people here had mentioned, this is a small town. I trust no one. Bills get send out in the post, adverts to home addresses....once in the database, you better know who has it.

I've looked through the forum rules and I don't see any mention of health topics, or rules that I have broken (I admit I could have missed). I just want to know if anyone has had a bad experiences, that's all. Yes, each of us is responsible for our own health, agree completely. But I see no reason why such a wonderfully informative website such as this one should skirt the topic of health, as it's a priority for all of us.  Anyway, thanks for taking the time to reply. At least I know my first post worked.

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mcmafia09   28-6-2016 23:35  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 28-6-2016 22:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 fortune2020's post

Forum rules does not allow discussions, advise (giving or taking) on medical issues

Only advise this forum allows is for the person to go to a doctor !

There is nothing wrong with going to a doctor you don't know and ask if one can get std from a hj
and there is no such thing as a definitive answer no matter how much you "trust" a person
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Post at 28-6-2016 23:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 fortune2020's post

I understand your privacy concerns. However they're more relevant to those commercial companies that offer "marketing material from 3rd parties" where you have to opt out. I know that often also means even if you tick, your wishes are ignored and you're still on the list!
However doctors don't do that. And besides your HKID card, all other details could be faked if you wish (home address, tel). Give a temporary SIM number if you're that cautious.
The high street doctors don't have any linkage to each other, so if you register with just one to ask a specific sexual question, and never return, that's an option. Or, ask them for a professional referral. All practical avenues to pursue in your quest for the truth
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Post at 29-6-2016 09:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 fortune2020's post

I've used neohealth.

You don't need to provide any identity card to see the doctors here, you can give them a fake name, you need a phone number or e-mail address to receive your test results.  Do not be ashamed to tell the doctor what you've been doing, lying or being evasive, inaccurate or obscuring details are only to your detriment. Seeing the doc and getting a "FULL SET" of tests will run you about 5K.

One more thing if you give them a number, you can also tell them which days and what times are ok for you to receive a call... so... during office hours on a work day, might work out for you so your SO won't accidentally pick up the phone for you or listen to your conversation.  After you get the call delete it from your incoming call history.

[ Last edited by  Stonecold at 29-6-2016 09:04 ]

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mcmafia09   29-6-2016 10:22  Acceptance  +2   
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Post at 1-7-2016 08:15  Profile P.M. 
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Many thanks for the replies. I'll need to sort something out, certainly long term, as do we all. I hadn't thought about the callback in certain hours could lead to serious issues with the SO, but yeah, that would NOT be good.
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Post at 1-7-2016 17:19  Profile P.M. 
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Read that, you'll be fine.. This is HK, not China

Particularly section [2.1.3], base on the hippocratic oath that a licensed doctor shall do no harm, which will fall under the category of keeping your information private and not repeated to anyone, the penalty for that is they can lose their licence permanently and no longer practice in any medicinal fields.

In a nutshell, it's fine, just go to your local clinic and tell them what you did and ask for advice, that's what I did

The only way they can break this rule is if they think you are in either danger to yourself or others, then they can call the police on you or have you checked in, lol.

[ Last edited by  frankanderson at 1-7-2016 17:21 ]

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mcmafia09   2-7-2016 21:27  Acceptance  +2   Thx for the legal details! :)

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