Subject: Brexit
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Post at 24-6-2016 17:58  Profile P.M. 
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Just watching the momentous events in the UK on the tele - resounding vote in favour of leaving, PM resigning etc

I suspect one of the less talked about consequences - in time - will be mongering in London and elsewhere.  The last decade or more has seen a conga line of Eastern European hookers arrive in the UK providing stunning looks and killer figures at low prices.  Eternity girls is a London agency that amply - pun intended - demonstrates the point.

Can't see this remaining the case for too much longer.  I guess we will have to wait and see whether Paris and Berlin pick up the slack!
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Post at 27-6-2016 14:37  Profile Blog P.M. 
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The world is seldom the either/or, neither/nor situation that people make it out to be.
1. It's now a world economy whether people like it or not, brexit doesn't mean that no one is entering nor exiting. Like it or not, there will still be travelers, expats, and visas.
2. Brexit will not officially happen for another 2 years. Who knows what will happen in that time? They haven't even started negotiating post-brexit policies.

The world needs to take a deep collective breath and stop this fear mongering / knee jerk mentality.

I mean heck.... the stay-in-EU petitions have already started.

Who knows... maybe brexit ends up with extremely favourable negotiations.


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austin821   28-6-2016 06:05  Acceptance  +3   Well said Uncle.
MothToAFlame   28-6-2016 00:45  Acceptance  +3   Entirely correct
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Post at 28-6-2016 06:35  Profile P.M. 
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Many of the EE WG aren't that good. Many Romanians and Bulgarians came to the UK. They are renowned for having shit mechanical wham bang get you out of there HK style 1 cum shot and you're done type service.

They're also managed by Sergies (pimps). Many Sergies make them do full BB sex. So you won't want to visit them anyway.

Life is short very...
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Post at 28-6-2016 14:43  Profile P.M. 
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MothToAFlame   28-6-2016 23:51  Acceptance  +2   

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