" 外國人 Victoria
Foreigner Victoria
第1次出 REPORT ... 多多指教咁多位
First time report - grateful for your comment
姓名: ( Victoria )
141網址: (
http://www.sex141.com/big5/viewi ... ype=-1&keyword=)
Name: (Victoria)
141 address:
http://www.sex141.com/en/viewid. ... ype=-1&keyword=
樣貌: (3.5)/5 "佢食煙有煙屎牙, 好在有返鬼妹身形夠高"
face: 3.5/5 she has smokers teeth, but with very good talk fit body
身材: (3)/5 ".個波 TURTUR 地 -____-""
body: 3/5 saggy tits
技術: (4)/5 " 環保.大車特車"
technique: 4/5 BBBJ, DFK
服務: (4.5)/5
service: 4.5/5
過程: (入到去.睇樣同相差唔多.但係真人一定無相咁好.之後吹下水就去洗白白,佢話佢自己係russia既大學生,同埋個個新哩既kama由細玩到大,之後洗白白中途...主動車車.仲要大車特車 *O* . 車完就上床環保吹.唔叫佢 STOP 唔識 STOP. 之後都係 BASIC 野.最後放底家用就走 lu)
process in detail: went in, similar to photo but her photos were nicer. chatted a bit and showered, she claims shes a russian student, and are friends with kama since young.
while showering, she started DFK
in bed, BBBJ, will only stop when you tell her to.
basic usual stuff afterwards.
left the fee and left.
總結: (要相頭唔岩.要SERVICE都上得過. 鍾意玩腳既都 OK )
conclusion: if you like pretty girls - no; if you want servcie - ok; if you want leggy girls - ok.
上唔上得過(是/否)? (見人見智.有錢而又岩鬼妹可以一試)
worth it: totally depends, if you are willing to pay the premium to a russian girl then yes.
返啅指數: (4)/10 (我仲要食其他因為) "
re-fuxk index: 4/10 - coz i have other girls to fuxk.