Every single WG/Agent uses photoshop , it's just how it is.
You guys just gotta "unphotoshop it in your mind.
Take out the big eyes , add some blemishes on the face , make the face look rounder , colour in the pink nipples and you
will have the real picture.
In my opinion , I think LG/AL uses photoshop the most and the heaviest. Its like they want to make all the girls like
Bratz / Barbie dolls. They airbrush their faces and skin so damn much.
And compared to other agents most of their photos are at a much lower resolution.
At least most of Q's girls look more natural and believable.
This is my opinion and actual experience.
Booking HG's on wechat is definitely the way to go
Last edited by donjon at 13-5-2016 11:10 ]