Subject: Made the worst decision in my entire punting career yesterday
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Post at 13-11-2013 19:35  Profile P.M. 
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Made the worst decision in my entire punting career yesterday

Yesterday was the 4th time I've been punting over the course of 2 years, and yesterday I penetrated raw with no condom. She asked me if I wanted to go in raw - I was horny and said yes.

I'm getting a std test tomorrow at a government hospital. I pray to god that it's only something mild.

This should be the first and last time I penetrate a WG/unknown with no condom. Thin condoms feel the same anyway.

I will update this thread with the test results.

Maybe you'd like to laugh at me, maybe you've done it before. However I haven't told anyone and it's killing me.
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Post at 13-11-2013 19:54  Profile P.M. 
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Hope it comes back negative.

Do only government hospitals do STD testing or can any private hospital, clinic, etc, do it?

If it's positive, does it get reported to the government or is it anonymous?
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Post at 13-11-2013 23:05  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by slowmo240 at 13-11-2013 19:54
Hope it comes back negative.

Do only government hospitals do STD testing or can any private hospital, clinic, etc, do it?

If it's positive, does it get reported to the government or is it anonymous? ...

Private clinics do it but in general they cost more but you get your results faster.

I don't really know what goes on behind the scenes at the hospital but they state the information is anonymous. You can find more info here:
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Post at 14-11-2013 01:54  Profile P.M. 
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Takes only a few days to get the results except for AiDs which takes longer to test. But I don't think you should worry too much till the results are out. What is done is done. Hope it is negative. Nothing you can do about it. Worry or no worry doesn't change the result so why worry ?  I had a few opportunities to go BB but always refused it even with the blood streaming to my head and my LB taking over. Just don't play with your life. Unless you fully trust a girl you should always use protection.
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Post at 14-11-2013 18:36  Profile P.M. 
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Most common STIs include herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea and nongonococcal urethritis.

Unfortunately, all of these can be asymptomatic (no symptoms).

If you've contracted the latter two, you may see symptoms (if you develop them) 3 days after intercourse. Monitor yourself down there for sores, discharges and pain during urination.

Best thing to do is keep active, eat well, get sleep and do things to take your mind off things. This won't kill your STIs but will keep your immune system from breaking down due to stress, poor diet and no sleep. Last thing you want is to get a cold/ flu or exacerbate any infection that you may have contracted.

Also, if it was your first time to get a hygiene test in HK, you probably know by now that it will take 2 weeks for your results to come out using the public system... and you would've been introduced to the urethral swab. Remember how horrifying the urethral swab was if you ever need to discourage yourself from BB with a stranger - my little trick.
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Post at 14-11-2013 23:32  Profile P.M. 
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Lesson learned pal!
Accept the results…move on.
Don't fuckup again!
Your LB may fall off next time!!!!!

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Post at 14-11-2013 23:43  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by WantThisForever at 13-11-2013 23:05

Private clinics do it but in general they cost more but you get your results faster.

I don't really know what goes on behind the scenes at the hospital but they state the information is anonymous. ...

Anyone try out any of these clinics before?  Experiences?

What about private hospitals?
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Post at 15-11-2013 01:41  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by freeranger at 14-11-2013 18:36
Also, if it was your first time to get a hygiene test in HK, you probably know by now that it will take 2 weeks for your results to come out using the public system... and you would've been introduced to the urethral swab. Remember how horrifying the urethral swab was if you ever need to discourage yourself from BB with a stranger - my little trick.

Thanks for the advice. The docs said everything looks normal however we'll have to wait for blood test just to be sure.

Funny thing is, on the way back home, I was thinking about how bad the urethral swab was - I'll definitely be wearing a condom now. Even a BJ with thin condom feels pretty good.

Originally posted by slowmo240 at 14-11-2013 23:43

Anyone try out any of these clinics before?  Experiences?

What about private hospitals?

Heh. Blood test and urethral swab. Free if you have an HKID and confidential everything.
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Post at 15-11-2013 07:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 WantThisForever's post

maybe you should write a report on your experience with this wg or at least tell us who she is
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 15-11-2013 19:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 WantThisForever's post

Did you her creampie her ?

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obe   21-11-2013 20:57  Acceptance  +10   Lol!

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Post at 15-11-2013 21:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 twiceAweek's post

He has actually and you even rated it lol: ... &extra=page%3D1

I think there's always a danger in asking a guy to out a girl who cannot defend herself - his word versus hers. Unfair for the girl as it can affect her business if he is full of it. That said, he sounds legit, but it is still unfair.

[ Last edited by  Thai-delight at 15-11-2013 21:23 ]
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Post at 21-11-2013 19:58  Profile P.M. 
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Private clinics are good; very quick results and Neo-health in Central offers a while-you-wait HIV blood test. No ureathral swabs either as they use urine and blood for DNA. Government labs are also goos, but use older type gets that are less expensive to the tax payer and slower, plus you get the dreaded swab!

A full panel of tests at Neo-health costs around HKD3000, and you should have your results in a few days. I've used themand they are pleasant to deal with.

I know we aren't supposed to give out STD advice, etc., but do a search on rates of HIV/AIDS and syphillis in HKG to put your risk in perspective. Everything else, well it either is treatable or non-life threatening.

Just don't do it again!!
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Post at 21-11-2013 20:59  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 15-11-2013 19:58
Did you her creampie her ?

How did I know you would ask this Hunter? Lol!


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CunningLinguist   27-11-2013 15:22  Acceptance  +1   Pretty natural and reasonable question, I thought!
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Post at 23-11-2013 15:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 WantThisForever's post

what makes you think you've caught something??? You didn't mention symptoms. You're just nervous because you went BB right?

A friend of mind has been to one of these HK clinics. He actually had symptoms. The nob of his dick went red and puss came out. He went to a clinic in HK and had an injection. Within 3 days he was OK. He didn't go BBFS but he did take a BBBJ from the WG. Trouble is he had so many he has no idea who gave it to him.
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Post at 27-11-2013 01:38  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Thai-delight at 15-11-2013 21:21
He has actually and you even rated it lol: ... &extra=page%3D1

I think there's always a danger in asking a guy to out a girl who cannot defend h ...


Please don't blacklist her if you're reading this.

If the test comes back clean I'm going back to visit. However there is 0% chance of me penetrating raw. Just not worth the risk.

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Klueze   27-11-2013 08:51  Acceptance  +1   Waiting for your test !
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Post at 27-11-2013 11:06  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by WantThisForever at 11/13/13 06:35 AM
Yesterday was the 4th time I've been punting over the course of 2 years, and yesterday I penetrated raw with no condom. She asked me if I wanted to go in raw - I was horny and said yes.

I'm getting a std test tomorrow at a government hospital.

The incubation period for most STIs are anywhere from 3 to 28 days. So you getting an STI check immediately might not even show anything (for better or worst). So your immediate result may turn up clean, but the symptoms will appear a week from now. And you could be infecting anyone from that initial first transmission to present if you did pick up an STI.
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Post at 27-11-2013 14:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 obe's post

what do u mean?

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Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 27-11-2013 15:24  Profile P.M. 
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What I did to ease my mind was to pay me and the girl the full set of std tests...If voth comes clean, you are out of harms way.  Its costly but way better than having to wait soooo long... Anyway for a long time my punting budget was nil so it balanced...
Dont worry too much bro, you should be fine, next time think with the other head, as you say, not worth it!
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Post at 27-11-2013 17:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 slowmo240's post

Evening gents.

In a prior fit of panic, I visited the aids concern group's clinic in Jordan. it was anonymous and they do the tests for free. The HIV test is a blood test that gives results in 10 minutes and instead of the swab, they have a urine test. Only drawback is that the Chlamydia Gonnorhea results are not available until 2 weeks later.
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Post at 28-11-2013 12:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 Frenchexpat's post

Agree with this completely.  If the girl tests clean, it is impossible for you to have gotten anything from her.  The only way that it could happen would be is if she had gotten treatment between the time you banged her and her test, and lied to you about it.

Also, bear in mind that the second time around, the anxiety is just as bad as the first.  It's not like you can get used to it.  I've screwed up twice and won't ever do it again.

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