Champs B has a newly renovated area just out of the lift on the 8/F!!!
I dont think many punters know this because as before it is around the corner.
I didn't check out all the doors but my guess is most of them should be new to the building.
I tried a new one who said she is a a sub. But she is the first girl in the room.
So i take it she might mean she may not be the permanent there.
I tried a young, pretty (her face is a acquired taste) girl, skinny and soft small boobs that bounce when she is in CG.
2nd door on the left.
Her body kissing is super short. 1min.
BBBJ was short too.
But she is nice and allows you to fuck her as long as you can.
She doesnt give GFE or act like a WG as a matter of fact. So i didnt bother kiss her or anything.
Dont really consider this a report. So wont bother posting in Reports.
So go check out the new area!!!
Other new areas in creation on level 8 and 7.
Exciting times ahead in Champs B