Subject: Macau options...
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Post at 24-3-2015 23:15  Profile P.M. 
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Macau options...

This week is the HK rugby 7s. Time to avoid Wanchai full stop. It just so happens I have two good mates coming to town amd wanrt some action so we plan to go to Macau to get away from the madness. The plan after a busy weeks work and travel is to go to a sauna on Friday night for some RnR. My usual place Familia Nobre is the plan so Friday is pretty much fixed. We'll just chill there and stay the night.

For Saturday thats another matter. D1 is on the cards in the day. Possibly a casino. What recommendations do you guys have for Saturday night? Some questions i had are...

1. A few years back I used to go to D2. Is it still open and still good for pickup? Where is it located? Still same place?

2. I also used to frequent some freelance bars. I think it was called MP3? Is thisstill open or what alternatives are there for freelance Filipina,Indo or Viet girls?

3. Any other options to recommend?

Thanks in advance fellow BMs.
Lustful Lord
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Post at 25-3-2015 00:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 boxfresh's post

If you are referring to Darling 1, it has moved away from the place near the Macau ferry terminal, to the other side near Ponte 16 now, inside the McMasters hotel building. I think I got the hotel name right, it had "Masters". Anyway the taxi guy should know if you say Darling 1.

DD1 and DD2 nightclubs are now inside the Fishermans wharf area, next to the Sands casino. Both are a short stroll from each other.

There are still some freelance bars near MGM, along the road facing the Goddess of the sea statue.

Have fun.

Btw, the old Lisboa racetrack is now gone, after it got raided a few months ago.

Recent Ratings
boxfresh   25-3-2015 03:39  Karma  +1   Excellent. Thanks

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