That's a very important point ... untraceable payment ...
quite plausibly they do it for the convenience and discreetness of the clients
... but a reputable place would offer it as an option not as a requirement ... smells a bit fishy
Interestingly the site goes into some depth about their "Alibi" programme - this is a fully functional smoke-screen that looks and acts exactly like a legitimate resort ... so if they have the imagination and capability to set that up as an option, they also (ipso facto) have the capability to set up the main website as a smokescreen for your inquiries into their legitimacy
Real hard to prove anything
Of course, it might be real
point is figuring out how to check, is virtually impossible
unless a bro puts up his hands and says "yup, I bin there and it's real"
... but it couldn't be a any member on this site ... too easy to register a Shill here for their marketing purposes ... it would have to be a bro you know in person!!