Subject: tsuen wan
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Post at 11-8-2008 00:58  Profile P.M. 
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tsuen wan

Anyone know which buildings in tsuen wan have good quantity to choose from or good quality?

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Post at 11-8-2008 01:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 tstresident's post

Quntity ... in Tsuen Wan no building catering almost entirely to walk ups, look at the DB and you'll see

Quality ... beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, there are no beauties and no teens here but maybe one or two good
service providers (Jenny in Hoi Pui St.)
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Post at 11-8-2008 01:18  Profile P.M. 
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thanks for your quick reply.
was hoping for some youngish juicy local girls. see so many in the street there.

Well as some dont advertise on website so no way to know how many there actually are.
Having 6 to choose from in the same building would be a decent starting point.

I will keep Jenny in mind.

Cheuk Ming Building, Market Street and Hoi Pui St seems to have the most.
Looks like maybe i will need to look at the windows from the street for directions.

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Post at 11-8-2008 12:48  Profile P.M. 
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I did a real cute one (Shui Ling) a few weeks ago at the Kwai Sang Building on Chuen Lung Street. Service was so so but she was so young and tiny that I really didn't mind. She said she was 18 years old. I had to ask for BBBJ but got it by paying an extra 50 dollars. Got a quick peek at her friend working in Room B, she was also very cute and tiny.

[ Last edited by  nom_yai at 11-8-2008 13:07 ]

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Post at 11-8-2008 21:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 nom_yai's post

Wow! thanks for the info.
Must try either her or her neighbor.
Was she a local as in her listing?

A bit surprised she is available 24hrs (esp. since she is a local) and only $350.
Maybe she is desperate.

Was really looking fwd to try her. But seems her room is now taken by another girl.

Any ideas?
Is that place actually a so called 'hotel' where probably the girls will change frequently?
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Post at 11-8-2008 21:17  Profile P.M. 
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Locals in Tsuen Wan

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Post at 11-8-2008 22:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 tstresident's post

Looks like there's quite a few new girls in TW ... please report when you try them !  
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Post at 11-8-2008 22:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 twiceAweek's post

Will do!
Lets hope they are as nice as they look so i can actually try them.
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Post at 11-8-2008 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 tstresident's post

Hope so too, but don't be too surprised if the pics were taken years ago and the
girl in front of you is older !
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Post at 12-8-2008 05:36  Profile P.M. 
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looking forward to reading your reports.

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Post at 12-8-2008 12:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 tstresident's post

Sorry tstresident, I should have been more specific about the date of my visit with her. And when it says "24 Hrs" it usually means that they're there whenever they want to show up or leave early. It varies from girl to girl. These two girls seemed like "Visa" girls from the Mainland, not local ones. Oh, and there is a cheap Hotel there but not affiliated with the action.
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Post at 12-8-2008 12:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 nom_yai's post

I had a feeling these 'young girls' working in the walk ups may not have an ID ...
the price they charge is not within the norm ...
so becareful when you visit them as you might have to answer a few more questions if there's
a police check and the girl with you doesn't have an ID.

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Post at 12-8-2008 14:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 twiceAweek's post

Thanks twiceAweek, I will keep that in mind. I've been lucky so far.

Once in Tin Hau, I was going from floor to floor checking the Doors when the floor I came on to was crowded with Hong Kong's Finest. I quickly backed down the stairs. And in Mongkok I was doing the same thing but this time the floor I came up to was some kind of Crime Scene. Uniforms and Plain Clothes every where. They wanted to know what my business was up there and I quickly muttered something about meeting a friend and backed down the stairs again. Then a few weeks ago over in Hop Yee building when I was waiting for Miss Man Man I struck up a conversation with a local Hong Konger near the elevator. Later I went down to check out the other floors and when I came back up he quickly grabbed and pulled me into the open elevator. Just before the door closed I saw a group of Police going door to door checking I.D.'s I was later told.

Yeah, I gotta be more careful.
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Post at 12-8-2008 15:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 nom_yai's post

You should remember you are not breaking any laws by visiting walk ups - as long as she's not underaged,
only you and her in the room and she has an ID.  If questioned what you are doing there ... be frank and tell
the cops you're there looking for WGs !!!
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Post at 12-8-2008 15:46  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 12-8-2008 15:38
be frank and tell
the cops you're there looking for WGs !!!

Listen to the wise and experience bro twice.

Yes, just tell them what you are doing there. Even if they take down you name/HKID, it does not matter, it does not go into the records  back in the station. They just do it as if they are on the patrol ....just to show they are cautious and diligent in their work.
Learned this from brothel' bosses and they always tell us to keep calm and tell the truth to the authority(s) should there be any raid.
Once been asked by the immigration officer, he don;t even bother to check my ID, I just told him, watch TV and chat with boss and here for the WGs. He just walked away.

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Post at 12-8-2008 17:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 hunter's post

Thanks twiceAweek and Hunter. I will definitely take that advice to heart.

I'm working on a Post right now for a "Walk Up" girl but keep getting busy with other things to finish it up. No, not a Walk Up girl ...  A "Phone Appointment" girl.

OK, back to work for me.
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Post at 13-8-2008 01:24  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by nom_yai at 12-8-2008 12:35
Sorry tstresident, I should have been more specific about the date of my visit with her. And when it says "24 Hrs" it usually means that they're there whenever they want to show up or leave  ...

Thanks for your explanation. So that pretty much means next time i go up there it could pretty much be anyone there since they are on so called 'visas'.

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