Originally posted by Marsupial at 22/6/08 15:53
My post was based solely on the figures quoted by hkboy ...
Not true. As you write later in the same post:
My only contribution was to assume that only 0.1% of HK's WGs are HIV positive ...
'Only contribution ..?' That 'contribution' provides HALF the data and changes hkboy's figure of one-in-a-thousand
to your figure of 'one-in-a-million'. Quite a sizeable contribution, I'd say. And just where does your figure of 0.1%
come from? Don't worry, that's a rhetorical question because I know it came straight out of the top of your head
without a single shred on data to support it. But hey, who cares - throw out any figure you want - as you confrm,
your not a statistician, mathematician or doctor. But that still doesn't stop you throwing up your ridiculous figure of
one-in-a-million. And, worst of all, people might actually believe you. Then why wear a condom? You can't have it
both ways as you seem to think - throw out the ... one-in-a-million chance, but then urge everyone to always wear
a condom.
One common theme that I read in websites about AIDS is ... quote -
HIV is such a complex virus that it's easy
to get confused when all the numbers are thrown about... unquote.
Well, obviously it's not complex or confusing to Mars - 1,000 x 1000 = 1,000,000. Seems simple enough, what's the
big problem? Let's look at that figure another way. Take a sample of 1,000 guys each visiting a prostitute and having
unprotected sex twiceAweek, every week for 10 years. According to Mars, only
one of those
1,000 guys is likely
to catch AIDS in that 10-year period. Does anyone really believe that? If you do, go to the Internet and read some of
the many sites that provide information on the high incidence of AIDS in prostitutes and their customers. What makes
HK so different, so special and so immune? The incidence in HK is low because we're educated to use condoms - let's
keep it that way. There was an article just recently about the high number of truck drivers that were catching AIDS
from prostitutes at truckstops in China due to not using condoms. One-in-a-million? You gotta be kidding.
My problem is with people who know nothing, but pretend that they know something. They're the ones that should
STFU. Mars, what you're telling people is highly irresponsible on a forum about sex with prostitutes.