Subject: Walk-up protocols?
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Post at 13-10-2013 00:14  Profile P.M. 
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Walk-up protocols?

I was in Coronet Court recently for the first time and was very keen to see the much talked about talent. Went to the 1st floor and saw lots of doors with neon lights. I also saw a few fellow bros hanging around. I did not expect what happened next. Each time I rang a belll, an audience gathered to see who would open. There was one guy in a pink t shirt who came and stood right next to me each time. At least six or seven were looking at the girl too.
Why don't these guys just knock themselves? It's also a bit off putting to have an audience. Any unwritten rule or protocol I need to be aware of?
Oh, the girls were not that great in my opinion. It was Fruday night around 10.30pm.
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Post at 13-10-2013 04:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 vc09's post

Of course it differs each time. Some would take the opportunity to peek, I do too. It's kind of silly to wait for the girl to close the door, then ring it again. All the guys are there for a common purpose, nothing to hide, nothing to be shy about it. In fact, sometimes I'll tell a fellow punter which room has a nice gal. If you don't like the 'looking over your shoulders' situation, go during the day, perhaps 2-4pm when there should be less punters.

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vc09   13-10-2013 04:20  Acceptance  +4   True but just feels a bit odd
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Post at 14-10-2013 10:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 vc09's post

I can't stand that shit either, it's like... I get that some bros are too shy to pick up normal girls, but c'mon it's just ringing a damn door. You got fingers, go ring the other doors...
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Post at 14-10-2013 13:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 jordanc's post

I had the same experience first time I went to CC. Some guy literally came running up to see the girl.

But after going to CC many times I think there are some "mental" cases hanging around there also.

I've been to alot of different walkup buildings, but CC is the only place where I experienced someone literally run up behind/beside you to see the girl, other times they just seem to be wandering around like zombies, not knocking on doors, just looking at their phones.
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Post at 14-10-2013 15:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 jumbokangaroo's post

ever occurred to you that they are waiting or checking out websites for recommendations ? god made us all different. live n let live.
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Post at 14-10-2013 19:32  Profile P.M. 
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It's also possible that they rang and the girl wouldn't open the door after seeing them on CCTV.  So they are yousing your open door to get a look.  They might be known to the girls as a deadbeat.

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