Subject: Catching STD's
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Post at 1-9-2013 22:21  Profile P.M. 
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Catching STD's

Apologies if this is in the wrong section.

I just went to a curtain bar, and had a lap dance.

I played with the girls breasts a bit, and then around the back of her knickers, a  bit of hand to skin contact while she was grinding me, i didnt get my d**k out nor did i touch her pussy.  There was no kissing.

But i believe she was on as she was wearing a pad.  Can you catch anything like this?
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Post at 1-9-2013 22:50  Profile P.M. 
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Goodness, how old are you? Do a search here on STD and you'll find plenty of information.
Granted there's always a first time and stuff that you'll do that will freak you out but arm yourself with some basic knowledge on the transmission of STDs, symptoms and safe practices and you should be alright.
From your description of what happened, you should be fine.
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Post at 1-9-2013 23:07  Profile P.M. 
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i am 34 and this is my first time.

My wife is pregnant, so i am a bit hard up, which resulted in me going, but i couldnt go further.

I suppose, i am having a panic attack.

i have read, and some websites are saying you can catch stds from touch skin to skin.
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Post at 2-9-2013 05:23  Profile P.M. 
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You can only catch the less harmful ones, like Herpes, skin to skin. Even then, assuming no genital contact, the chances are extremely slim.

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