Subject: Agents Causeway and Wan Chai
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Post at 28-2-2013 11:10  Profile P.M. 
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Agents Causeway and Wan Chai

Can anyone please recommend a good English speaking agent for Causeway and Wan Chai hotel girls.

I have tried to book some of the girls in these areas but keep on getting messed around by the agents.
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Post at 28-2-2013 21:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 detoms11's post

S. is probably the best agent in CWB/Wan Chai right now, but there are still reports of B&S from various sources...

I would recommend you just hop on the MTR and head to TST where there are more girls and better agents to choose from such as S1, FS and 6313
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Post at 1-3-2013 01:44  Profile P.M. 
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Yes the current batch of WC and CWB agents are rather disappointing.

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