Subject: It was just a feeling
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Post at 22-2-2013 08:04  Profile P.M. 
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It was just a feeling

I was in a veggie sauna and while she was working away in my shorts I was feeling her rather large boobs, worked my way inside her tshirt
and managed to get my fingers into her bra ... huge soft natural breasts ... she only allowed things up to this point ... I only managed to feel
one breast comfortably for a few mins due the the angle ... but for all the time I was allowed to explore I couldn't feel any nipple ...
no protrusion, no indent ... nothing but the normal skin of her breast !  It was really really weird !!!

Has anyone encountered nipplesless boobs before ?  if you did, were the colour of the skin - in the area where her nipple should be any different
then the rest of her boobs ?
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Post at 22-2-2013 09:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 twiceAweek's post

Ha ha ha....

Back in college when I used to play rugby, there was a fat guy on our team. One day we were playing it was totally freezing! After an hour the match got called off.

When we were in the shower this guy started screaming, one of his nipples fell off!

Needless to say his nick names after this day was nipple!

But no I have never seen a girl with no nipples before.

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bohica   26-2-2013 00:51  Acceptance  +1   To be more precise, I think it was "Lefty"
Thai-delight   22-2-2013 12:41  Acceptance  +1   Terrible for him
obe   22-2-2013 11:04  Acceptance  +1   Holy shit! I have never heard of that ~ poor bastard!

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 22-2-2013 09:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Petay_1283's post

His nipple fell off ???  seriously ?
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Post at 22-2-2013 18:52  Profile P.M. 
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Sort of similar...

I used to have a GF who was rather pale with good D breasts.  She had large areolas that were basically regular skin color.  Just a slight texture difference.  She used to go to the tanning salon and when she was tan you could not see them at all.  Her nipples were very small and were not prominant.  

You can see where this is going.  I always had the hardest time finding her nipples.  I was very self-concious about this when trying to suck on them and basically having to run my mouth all over her breast feeling for a slight bump.  

I never talked to her about it, and she never complained, but it was occasionally uncomfortable.

After we broke up she got married and had a son.  I wonder if he had the same problem as me.

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bohica   26-2-2013 00:52  Acceptance  +1   Yes, we get the point. Breast feeding problems for young & old.
chelu   23-2-2013 09:18  Acceptance  +3   The son ?!?...........LOL!
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Post at 22-2-2013 19:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 twiceAweek's post

Is that a 1 line reply Mr Twice? ha ha ha

Yeah it fell off, there was a red circle where his nipple was and a trickle of blood going down his chest. It was freezing and he had a shirt under his rugby shirt, it was chafing him the whole time we were playing.

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 22-2-2013 19:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 twiceAweek's post

She might have had surgery of some kind, but logic would suggest you would feel the scarring. Maybe sth genetic.
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Post at 23-2-2013 07:50  Profile P.M. 
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It was my first time with her and her massage was ok but not outstanding ... I know I'd be able to have a look at them the next she does me so I'm debating in my head if I should try her again ...

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