Subject: No Walk up's in Macau??
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Post at 12-4-2013 23:12  Profile P.M. 
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No Walk up's in Macau??

Hi guys..

I been getting lot of information on HK walk up and one women brothels.

I haven't got any information on macau walk up or brothels other than sauna..

So it would be great if u guys put some light on it.

Other query is do we have to carry condom whist visting walk up in HK..
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Post at 13-4-2013 03:01  Profile P.M. 
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have you read the Macau section??

because prostitution is legal the loops that the HK girls have to go through are not there in Macau. Not entirely the same but you can "walk-up" to the girls in the Lisboa basement and throughout the many casino's there are many WG patroling the floors. also on this site there is a link for some private girls:

that have mixed reviews from the brothers who have tried. I'm sure in the seedy underbelly there maybe a set up similiar to that but they know they can charge you more as freelancers, SN or fishbowl girls so in Macau it isn't necessary.

stay safe and report your findings.
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Post at 13-4-2013 10:54  Profile P.M. 
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To the OP: Try this posting, which might be what you want.


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looking4cfc   13-4-2013 14:30  Acceptance  +1   thanks!!

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