Subject: picking up prostitutes on the street
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Post at 2-9-2012 01:49  Profile P.M. 
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picking up prostitutes on the street

In the Nathan road area in Jordan, there are prostitutes on the street.  Anyone try picking 1 up before?  Where did you guys go with her
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Post at 2-9-2012 03:43  Profile P.M. 
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you mean down temple street?
they've got make shift temp accommodations i believe

quick search came up with: ... ght=temple%2Bstreet
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Post at 2-9-2012 04:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 cookiemonsta's post

yes, that was the place.  There were lots of them standing around
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Post at 3-9-2012 01:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 HKEDS's post

well... what are you waiting for?
go get'em cowboy!
plenty of bro's with successful punts in the past
why not you?
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Post at 3-9-2012 11:03  Profile P.M. 
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Also in the plaza to the right of the Royal Kowloon there's a fair number of streetwalkers.  I take them back to my hotel.

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ulebsari   3-9-2012 12:09  Acceptance  +1   and where is your report?

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 3-9-2012 23:22  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by HKEDS at 2-9-2012 01:49
In the Nathan road area in Jordan, there are prostitutes on the street.  Anyone try picking 1 up before?  Where did you guys go with her

Some will ask you to follow and you'll end up in a very crappy apartment. Instead if your hotel is in the area, ask them to follow you and walk into your hotel.
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Post at 4-9-2012 07:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 TheButler's post

ulebsari          3-9-2012 12:09          Acceptance          +1          and where is your report?

In the Review section: "Hong Kong - 141 Walk-ups and Others".  IIRC that's where the mods prefer the SW reports to go.

[ Last edited by  TheButler at 4-9-2012 07:15 ]

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 4-9-2012 12:08  Profile P.M. 
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I picked on up on Sunday and it was horrible. No blowjob.  Nice body and hair, but face has big holes in them from close up and under the light.  Looking slutty when she was standing on the street.

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Petay_1283   17-9-2012 15:49  Acceptance  +1   Report????
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Post at 4-9-2012 18:13  Profile P.M. 
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huh! I have been to HK a few times in mongkok, kowloon etc  but i never NOTICED any streetwalkers or yellow neon lights before?!? wat the hell?? O:
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Post at 4-9-2012 20:59  Profile P.M. 
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Better luck picking up girls near the R Kowloon in TST east. Used to be anyway when it was still used as a hotel by the agents.
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Post at 5-9-2012 00:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 fjackass's post

out of curiosity,
any bro's have had any success taking any of the sw (by R kowloon or from temple st for that matter) back to their hotel that's not around their hangout (tst east or jordan)?
such as back to their hotel on hk side for argument sake...
i wanna know how far they are prepared to travel?

i'm assuming this arrangement would have to be LT or overnight scenario
any bro's willing to share from experience?
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Post at 5-9-2012 06:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 cookiemonsta's post

Hi bro - only had luck a couple of times, just went straight to their room.
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Post at 5-9-2012 16:38  Profile P.M. 
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errr... i plan to stay in a hostel (single room) wen i visit HK, do the WG mind to stay with me in the hostel room overnite so long i pay them overnite rate? the toilet is double sharing i think

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nooblier   6-9-2012 07:05  Acceptance  +1   I LOL'ed hard. No man, go to their place instead... or get a hotel room.
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Post at 6-9-2012 02:16  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by cookiemonsta at 9/4/12 11:07 AM
any bro's have had any success taking any of the sw (by R kowloon or from temple st for that matter) back to their hotel that's not around their hangout (tst east or jordan)?
such as back to their hotel on hk side for argument sake...
i wanna know how far they are prepared to travel?

Generally with those ones you'll have to take the girl back to your hotel. Take a taxi if you think your hotel is too far for the girl to walk (read: more than 5 minutes would be far for her).

Originally posted by megatronzombie at 9/5/12 03:38 AM
errr... i plan to stay in a hostel (single room) wen i visit HK, do the WG mind to stay with me in the hostel room overnite so long i pay them overnite rate? the toilet is double sharing i think  

The girl would just laugh at you and leave once she saw your hostel. As you already know there's no room so why would you do this? Either get a hotel or short time hotel for the night or don't do it. Also, hostels generally don't allow guests to stay past a certain hour or overnight.
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Post at 6-9-2012 09:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 Freelancer's post

  sori!! Im not sure how wg works in HK hahaha!! i tot the hostel i rented was quite nice and clean (except for the twin sharing toilet ;p that might be embarrassing if we were cleaning up and the other tenant walk in altho may be stimulating as well if the other tenant is a girl bahaha)

Ermm, another stupid question: how much to get a short time hotel in mongkok?

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DArtagnan   17-9-2012 16:36  Acceptance  +1   budget $300 for a 2 hour session. You can find cheaper but she won't like it.
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Post at 6-9-2012 09:32  Profile P.M. 
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-I've had success every time. English is usually non-existent. So negotiation is basic, just use your hands to indicate how much.
-Bc English is usually limited, it is much easier if you assume that you will go back to their place (always nearby) and that only basic sex is included. Once you are up there, maybe you can make gestures and negotiate.
-Maybe i've been turned down once or twice bc i'm Gweilo, they can be a little confused.
-Yup, i've gotten action on temple and the street behind temple, walk up and down, there are lots of them.
-Just FYI, there are usually cops walking the beat bc its a real crossroad of people, hookers, vendors, tourists, nepalese, indians and MONGERS!!!  :-))))
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Post at 6-9-2012 16:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 fjackass's post

out of curiosity,
any bro's have had any success taking any of the sw (by R kowloon or from temple st for that matter) back to their hotel that's not around their hangout (tst east or jordan)?
such as back to their hotel on hk side for argument sake...
i wanna know how far they are prepared to travel?

i'm assuming this arrangement would have to be LT or overnight scenario
any bro's willing to share from experience?

Yes, I saw it. Heard some people looking and talking about the white guy and chicken lady in Cantonese
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Post at 7-9-2012 04:33  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by HKEDS at 6-9-2012 16:47
Reply #10 fjackass's post

out of curiosity,
any bro's have had any success taking any of the sw (by R kowloon or from temple st for that matter) back to their hotel that's not around their hangout (t ...

Yeah that's how I've done it.  Pick a girl from the Plaza next to R Kowloon and then back to the HI for long time.  No problem, but they do seem to have a preference for ST even if it's late at night and they won't get another date.  I speculate that the girls from out of town may all travel back together to their lodging and so the newbies don't want to be stranded on their own in HK in the morning, but it's just a guess.

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cookiemonsta   17-9-2012 00:09  Acceptance  +2   thanks! exactly what i wanted to know

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 16-9-2012 20:59  Profile P.M. 
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by the way, how much are they?

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cookiemonsta   17-9-2012 00:12  Acceptance  +2   reply below
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Post at 17-9-2012 00:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 2pac123's post

i've picked up a few in the past when staying at R hotel
the mms always starts high $1000 if she can get away with it
but if she sense your a local, she'll come down to $700 ST, $2000 LT
however, i've had as low as $600 ST, $1500 LT
guess you'll have to charm her

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