Subject: Adult Onset Asian Fever?
jetsetting2much (Tally-ho!)
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Post at 15-3-2012 04:25  Profile P.M. 
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Adult Onset Asian Fever?

I'm US born Chinese, and late to the punting party I suppose one could say.  The civvy ladies in my life have all been, with a very few Asian exceptions, Caucasian.

But, I have recently been afflicted with the Asian fever (I'd have said Yellow Fever, but didn't know if that would be an objectionable term).  Their generally speaking smaller frames, exotic looks, and of course accessibility in HK/China is now my siren call.

Any other ABC's--or any other bros for that matter--have similar case of adult onset Asian Fever?  Just curious if its just me.

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hk2my   30-9-2012 01:50  Acceptance  +1   Darwin's process of natural selection - only the best...
wander   29-9-2012 14:43  Acceptance  +6   Stage 8 addiction. Uncurable methinks. Sigh....
nooblier   29-9-2012 08:32  Acceptance  +1   Same here, and it's awesome.
ruggers15   16-3-2012 01:33  Acceptance  +3   me too bro!
cass   15-3-2012 07:04  Acceptance  +1   It's a pandemic. :p
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Post at 15-3-2012 08:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jetsetting2much's post

Personally its not that, its just that I'm actually a fairly big Asian guy, 5'8 15stone of muscle. And I am dwarfed by the average woman in the UK.

There are school girls who are taller than wider than I am and its slightly intimidating. Especially the manner in which women will pick you up like you're a piece of wood and use you like a dick on a stick.

While over in Asia women are proportioned correctly in relation to me. I don't mean dick size either

EDIT - Yes it is muscle, quite by accident! I wanted to lose the flab around my gut when I was 11 stone. I accidentally put on 4 stone from working too hard in the gym and in the sack. Girls may well be light but when you're holding them up against a wall...

[ Last edited by  Kennichi at 15-3-2012 00:53 ]

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TheButler   15-3-2012 08:40  Karma  +1   Muscle? You sure it's muscle? ;-P

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Post at 15-3-2012 08:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jetsetting2much's post

Haha.  Welcome to the club!

Hmmm, I would not have thought that an asian man (by ethnicity) could have Asian Fever.  It's sorta normal for people to have attractions within their ethnicity, right?  I mean, I am a white guy:  if I usually only dated white girls would you say I had "white fever"?  I don't think so... Just normal behavior.    (I hope this was not a racist thing to say?  I don't think it was...)

Anyway, like you, I don't chase white gals anymore.  No interest at all.  Since I moved here I got a serious case of Asian fever indeed.  A hot white sexpot could be fondling my dick in a bar begging to get laid and I'll be pushing her out of the way to scope out the hot Asians in the room.  I know several single white girls here - and they say they feel like they lost their pussies since moving here -- cause noone chases them!  Haha.  They hate it!  So, it seems pretty common.
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Post at 15-3-2012 09:35  Profile P.M. 
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I have severe Asian fever

I have severe Asian fever (yellow fever) and love it. It happened the day I arrived in HK 12 years ago and has never wained. I even set a target of having an Asian girl from all the countries so I have tasted the lot.

HK yes
China yes
Macau no ( no pure macauvian) but a few Asian there
Taiwan yes
Japan yes
Korean yes (she was mixed Mongolian/ korean)
Burma yes ( in HK)
Malaysia yes (Shemale) and wg
Vietnam yes
Laos no
Thailand yes (lots inc shemales)
Filipina yes (lots inc shemales)
Cambodia yes
Indonesia yes (lots)

Next trip Angeles :-)
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Post at 15-3-2012 11:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jetsetting2much's post

My taste keep changing periodically that I was in love with eastern European couple few years ago but I switched to love Japanese after I addicted with the Japanese AV (Best AV ever). And now my favorite is SEA girls .
jetsetting2much (Tally-ho!)
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Post at 15-3-2012 11:24  Profile P.M. 
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@wander: i guess i am reverting to my native coding, after my social programming has corrupted.  

@mickyIrish: i think you have more like asian ebola or something as virulent! hats off!

@erafal: the east-euro/asian mixes can still definitely float the boat. just whitebread is too bland now i think.
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 15-3-2012 11:28  Profile P.M. 
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I totally have yellow fever (no racism intended!). I love asian girls, they are pretty, sexy and love to look vulnerable.  We dont have that any more in Asia, women are way more aggressive and well... Kill the macho part of us I guess (and yeah am machi in away, like to think a girl needs my help and support! ;) )
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Post at 15-3-2012 11:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 jetsetting2much's post

i am totally in the same boat with you. when i was much younger, i never went for asian girls, even tho i am myself asian. i'd say about the age that i turned 25, something just clicked, and now i cant stop thinking about asian girls. dont get me wrong, i mean, if an opportunity were to arise with a non-asian, i would definitely go for it, but my preference would be asians. i guess, in the end, you are what you are???
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Post at 15-3-2012 16:30  Profile P.M. 
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For me, it started in college.  In my home town, there weren't many asians.  However, in college, there were so many.  On any given day, I would see more hot asian girls than any other race.  IMO, it really depends on your location and the availability of the local girls.
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Post at 16-3-2012 01:38  Profile P.M. 
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Bro.. I lived in Canada pretty much all my life and, like you, had a ton of Caucasian gfs.. then I went out with one Asian chic.. and it all went downhill from there.. haha.. well... uphill you could say..

Honestly, not to stereotype, but you don't have to deal with the shit you'd have to deal with when it comes to Caucasian chics.. or even CBCs/ABCs for that matter. Chics in Asia, in general, are so different, personaility wise.. for the better! Pretty much all the local HK/Macau/China girls I've dated, ALWAYS put me first.. dont' want to start sounding like a chauvinistic prick but it's true.. for me at least!
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Post at 16-3-2012 02:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 ruggers15's post

hey if its true or mostly it like it is. no biggie & not offensive imo.  I think many of us crave different flavors like we go into a ice cream shop tasting everything in sight!
doghead (dog)
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Post at 16-3-2012 04:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 ruggers15's post

Your comments brought a chuckle to me. There is nothing to be embarrassed about being a male chauvinistic. It is only the natural order of life and one can see it all over the 'old world', ie Latin America, Africa, Asia, E. Europe, S. Europe, etc.

I have seen guys who are self-avowed progressives from the California bay area praising how much they enjoy the treatment they get from their PRC SO, including making sure their slippers are ready for their return home, cooking, and keeping the house clean. So hypocritical!
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Post at 16-3-2012 06:58  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by mickyirish at 15-3-2012 09:35
I have severe Asian fever (yellow fever) and love it. It happened the day I arrived in HK 12 years ago and has never wained. I even set a target of having an Asian girl from all the countries...

Korean yes (she was mixed Mongolian/ korean)

didn't get a number did you?

Bar Punting in HKG?
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Post at 16-3-2012 06:59  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by doghead at 16-3-2012 04:06
Your comments brought a chuckle to me. There is nothing to be embarrassed about being a male chauvinistic. It is only the natural order of life and one can see it all over the 'old world', ie Latin Am ...

There was a funny cartoon floating around the web, "Thanks to Thai hookers I know longer give a shit what white women say."

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cruman999   29-9-2012 13:05  Acceptance  +1   Amen to that brother
Intenseslacker   16-3-2012 22:17  Karma  +3   Fuck yes.
DArtagnan   16-3-2012 08:56  Karma  +2   Sweet!!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 16-3-2012 08:59  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by jetsetting2much at 15-3-2012 04:25
Any other ABC's--or any other bros for that matter--have similar case of adult onset Asian Fever? ...

Isn't that the clinical description of a Mid-Life Crisis?  

Sounds pretty close to me ...

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 16-3-2012 14:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 wander's post

Since I don't know any single white chicks that would confide such a thing with me, how do they view themselves? Do they get it? And as the discussion is trending its not just about looks, I really think its the western woman's attitude, which is something they don't want to admit. And to take that another step I really don't care for Asian chicks born and raised in the west for the mosy part, they have lost it, how ever you define it.

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wander   16-3-2012 18:45  Acceptance  +1   Absolutely the attitude.
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 16-3-2012 17:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 PVGoober's post

You can tell which get it and which don't ...

the ones that get it go to the gym and watch their attitude

the ones that don't get it, post pictures on facebook about how chunky girls should be considered beautiful too, and how terrible it is that advertising idolises skinny spinners

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 16-3-2012 17:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jetsetting2much's post

I do not know if I have yellow fever, for me it is more simple, I like slim girls with long hairs and pretty faces.
It doesn´t matter where I am, but in asia, I see in general a lot more girls to my taste.
Unfortunately, the fast food industry has an increasing bad influence here.
Anyway I like asia girls more then western girls, coz they predominantly like to fuck more and in return, talk much less.
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Post at 16-3-2012 18:21  Profile Site P.M. 
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Give me any white gal (in HK ) that does not LOOK like she is the boss and knows more than her head knows.

I have fancied white gals but in HK , their market is for either same race (white men) or a muscular and tall build that can satisfy their heightened ego.

Over the years, I have come to observe one thing about western gals .

- OVERLY ASSERTIVE even when it is not required

- WHINERS of the first rate (HK's this, HK's so bad, HK's suckin', HK's got no men  yadayadayada)

- DON'T MESS WITH ME looks - esp. the gym bodies (they carry the D.M.W.M.L even on default)

- UNDERESTIMATING men of ethnicities other than WHITE .. (or blacks)

- Most of the fun loving young looking WHITE gals in HK are of either white collar professions or - TEACHERS who let their hair down on weekends . And in the process are more drunk than a bar can satisfy them

- South Side (American Club types) who think they own the place with their plush lifestyles. Heck... UR HUBBY MIGHT BE a high flyin' banker baby but I know ur 'bank' needs a lot more deposit in your bored hours.

Back to topic - I got my yelllow fever when my first job in South Africa had a Korean intern in my team. It's been that way ever since (the fever).   Tried dating a few white babes in HK but... found the assertiveness a tad too much.

Ok.. time for all you guys to KILL ME Go ahead.. gimme negative karmas chuckle chuckle chuckle.
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Post at 17-3-2012 15:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 DArtagnan's post

the ones that don't get it, post pictures on facebook about how chunky girls should be considered beautiful too, and how terrible it is that advertising idolises skinny spinners

I have been spending several weeks freezing my ass here in the USA NorthEast. Last week there was 1 day when the day temps went up to 22degC. Before I left my hotel, I was so giddy to have a break from the daily freezing temps until I went down to the streets and saw all the chunky girls walking around shamelessly in their tube tops or low-cut shirts causing me to gag at the sight of all that flabby flesh. Immediately I prayed for the return of freezing temps so all that unsightly flesh can be covered once again in jackets/sweaters/sweat shirts.   Out of sight - out of mind.

[ Last edited by  doghead at 17-3-2012 15:52 ]

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