Subject: What happens when the entry on the 141 DB disappears?
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 11-8-2012 13:47  Profile P.M. 
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What happens when the entry on the 141 DB disappears?

Hey gents, wondering if you can help me.

When the entry on the 141 DB disappears, does it mean the girl is gone (ie, back to mainland, or out of the business)? Or is it just just the entry is expired, and she's still active, and she's still contactable for a visit? Or is it usually somewhere halfway between the two?

So many gorgeous girls disappear from the DB, but always wonder if they're still in reach if I just dig around?

Thoughts would be appreciated.

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sexwstrangers   11-8-2012 21:10  Acceptance  +1   Usually means back to the mainland.
Lustful Lord
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Post at 14-8-2012 00:13  Profile P.M. 
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from what i have read sometimes they come back, if you find a good one it's best to get her details
Kinky King
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Post at 14-8-2012 01:24  Profile P.M. 
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All sorts of different things.

If it's a popular hotel girl, they're just renewing their visa or living on their cash until they run out.
If they're not popular or had a bad experience, they've probably gone back to the mainland for good.
If they're popular walk-ups, they either found a boyfriend, got an STD or are on temporary leave or, in a recent case I just posted, they went independent and changed their working name.
If they're not popular walk ups, that could mean anything. Then again, if they're not all that popular, they're probably not all that great anyway.

If you really like them, get their phone numbers or, better QQ IDs for mainlanders. My experience is that mainlander phone numbers are usually prepaid and worthless unless you really have a good connection with them. Then again, do you really want that tight a connection?

As a side note, be aware that if you use an iPhone, iMessage can show them your email address, WhatsApp and Viber can show whatever your profile name is automatically and so on.

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