Subject: Wanchai crack-down
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Post at 21-7-2012 04:46  Profile P.M. 
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Wanchai crack-down

Sorry bros, been AWOL for a while. However...

Was in wanchai on Thursday night and was tempted by a very cute Chinese WG. Very VERY cute, but it just didn't add up. Something wasn't right. I stepped back and I reckon she was police. Stood and watched for a while and she had no takers, yet she was hot, hot, hot...

Tonight in WC, police everywhere.

First SKM, now this... Is WC being wrung dry?

I'll level with you. I'm scared.

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Post at 21-7-2012 04:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 oldschoolboy's post

Can you give us more detail, as your post says nothing: Where you in a bar?  Which bar?  What was "not right"?   You stood and watched "what" for a while?
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Post at 21-7-2012 05:40  Profile P.M. 
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Was stood outside Amazonia and the 'WG' approached me. She had a fried with her that stuck like glue. She was in a black dress and looked 'too clean cut' for a PRC girl. You know what i mean, straight and US style white teeth. She spoke in English but I answered in Mando. Then she was fluent Mando.

No real chit-chat or fun, just straight to 'want sex'? She was so hot I said we should talk, went to 7/11 to get drinks. She picked up a pack of three. I was thinking, why a WH and buying more? Surely you come equipped?

Got outside, her friend was waiting. 'my place just here' she said, pointing past Subway. No WG lives here, I thought. As a test I asked, 'so, what are we doing? And how much?'

'Sex baby' and she grabbed LB for some time. I said no, we can go to another place, thinking of B or MC. She immediately looked at her friend, kinda worried. Alarm bells went off in my head - why she worry? I offered her HK50 for 'fun time' and she said yes. Big bells ringing.

I walked away there and then, and told her she was police. She wasn't surprised by my response and her friends joined her shortly after.

I went to 7/11 for a water, curious, and stood at the corner to see what was going on.  I spotted two police vans, with cops checkin IDs of African WGs.

Then the supposed WG got into a vacant cab with two friends and stayed in the queue from the 7/11 corner to the front of the queue. They didn't get a ride and got out at the club.

I spotted three or four Chinese guys walking around in circles for about an hour. Not chatting, on their own, all with 'headphones' in.

The girls reappeared and the cute one came past me and smiled. This time, a confident and 'knowing' smile. The kind you only get from police (don't ask how I know!).

Anyway. Cop van and way more Chinese WGs than usual in WC is a danger sign for me now.

Damn. I love Chinese WGs. I don't like cops though.

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bcs74   21-7-2012 17:20  Karma  +4   Offering 50 HKD :), good test!
halfclover   21-7-2012 13:09  Karma  +3   Well done, caution always a good thing
simpleneeds   21-7-2012 11:59  Karma  +3   Legit report~
JackTheBat   21-7-2012 10:21  Karma  +8   excellent intel and write-up, thanks for warning WC-bound bros
wander   21-7-2012 06:21  Karma  +2   Holy crap! This is usefull and interesting! Thx
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Post at 21-7-2012 06:17  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by oldschoolboy at 7/20/12 04:40 PM

I offered her HK50 for 'fun time' and she said yes. Big bells ringing.

Dude, I don't get it - was the HK$50 for cheap thrills?!?  You should be arrested on that basis for just for that alone.

If the supposed WG approaches you then is that considered entrapment?!?
Yes, judge, the sex is free & consensual , but I way overpaid for the the items purchased at the 7-11.

[ Last edited by  bohica at 20-7-2012 17:21 ]

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JackTheBat   21-7-2012 10:22  Karma  +1   as OP wrote below, a silly amount no real WG wd accept, test her reaction

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Post at 21-7-2012 06:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 oldschoolboy's post

Damn.  That is a very weird occurance.  There are almost NO chinese working girls in WanChai, so this all by itself is very weird.  (I do know a few that I see regularily.., but very few indeed).  And one that agreed to anything for 50HK is absolutely bizarre.  I agree that would set my alarm bells off too.

I've seen plenty of cops from time to time when they choose to do a bar-raid and bust all the gals that over-stayed their Visa's.  This happens from time to time -- but they are after the gals -- not the punters.

I have never heard of female undercover cops trying to bust punters in HK, so this is very, very, very weird.
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Post at 21-7-2012 06:26  Profile P.M. 
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You clearly know more than me about law.

Call it intuition or whatever, she just didn't fit in. I guss i threw in the HK50 comment in as a test and she didn't blink. She just wanted the 'transaction' to take place?

Dunno. More experienced mongers will tell me what was going on. All I know is that itdidn't seem right and I walked.

This is my honest account of what went on. Bros use the info as the bros see fit.
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Post at 21-7-2012 06:29  Profile P.M. 
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And just before I posted there was a team of  around ten cops outside Joe Bananas asking questions of anyone they saw fit to question.

Aw man, not wan chai, please. NO!!!
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Post at 21-7-2012 07:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 wander's post

You know as I do, the PRC girls turn up very late and always as SWs around WC. Hardly see em in the bars. Apart from the usual xxxxx in Amazonia, of course!
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Post at 21-7-2012 08:27  Profile P.M. 
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I don't believe one could get into 'trouble' with the LE for 'picking up' girls !  and especially when she's the one who's selling herself ... at most if you went up to a girl and asked how much she could get you for sexual harrassment and its a big 'could' without witnesses
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Post at 21-7-2012 08:35  Profile P.M. 
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No argument with that 2aw. It is what it was.

Oh, if any bros in 109, come say hello.
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Post at 21-7-2012 09:16  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by oldschoolboy at 21-7-2012 05:40
just straight to 'want sex'?

... this alone says to me she wasn't police.  If she offered sex, she's soliciting, and any subsequent evidence is inadmissible.  Oh, and if she offers sex without asking for money, go for it!!

The rest is circumstantial speculation ...

Oh, and as rare as it is I have occasionally been hit on by fluent English / Mandarin speaking girls
who were very fast to get to the point about having sex
for money

Having said all that, it's still a useful cautionary tale.  You never know when your spidey-sense will save you from embarrassment or worse.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 21-7-2012 09:23  Profile P.M. 
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Strange tale indeed! You say she grabbed LB? I seriously doubt a policewoman would do that!
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Post at 21-7-2012 09:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 Scorpius62's post

Scorp and co - I hear you.

Thing is, it just didn't feel right. Who says yes for HK50?! And she was proper hot - veneered teeth, probably a boob job... Looked the part, but just didn't fit In with what was going on in WC.

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wingman77   22-7-2012 13:53  Karma  +3   Reality role play with HK's finest.
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Post at 21-7-2012 10:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 oldschoolboy's post

Maybe they were trying to rob you.

There was a front page on Chinese newspaper with picture of drugged girls being taken away outside LQF in Central.  I think the article was talking about a new dating drug.

May be the extra drink was for later so she can drug you.
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Post at 21-7-2012 10:10  Profile P.M. 
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Here's the link

Can't read Chinese but the Google translate gave the general idea.
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Post at 21-7-2012 11:44  Profile P.M. 
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Isn't the Navy still in town until Sunday?  Could have something to do with increased LE in WC.
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Post at 21-7-2012 17:03  Profile P.M. 
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Isn't this considered as a sting operation? Didn't know HK did that in this kind of field...

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Post at 21-7-2012 18:34  Profile P.M. 
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to the OP

Firstly well done for figuring out something wasn't right.

However no way this woman was a cop, firstly they don't dress up as hookers, secondly they are not interested in the punters, and if it was a cop she would never grab your junk.

More likely by the sounds of it she was looking to drug you or rob you only reason for a girl to agree to 50. There are a lot of stories especially of the street walkers taking mento hotels or their rooms with no mention of money or offerof cheap free sex only for them to wake up the next day with a sore head and having been robbed blind!

With regard to the wanchai crackdown - this really is happening, I hear from a lot of the WG that the police are raiding the clubs around once a week and hearding up girls who have overstayed.  Not sure they are looking for much else at present but with recent new additions to lockhart roadin the shape of chain restaurants there is definately a change in the air...

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