The most common cause is Bacterial Vaginosis:, which isn't an STD per se, but rather an imbalance in the natural bacteria in a woman's vagina. It's still stinky though and can cause your unit to smell just as bad (Betadine or other iodine washes will cure this quick, or you can wait a week for it to wear off
). Same stinko can be caused by a yeast infection.
Of course, stinky pussy can also be a symptom of several STDs.
I'm not sure how to divide the class of stinky pussies, but I think of it as: 1) there are stinky pussies that make you want to retch (Bacterial Vaginosis, STD, etc.) and then there is the occasional strong smelling pussy, which won't make you want to puke but is still not a bed of roses, more like a sweaty armpit, and this is a cat that just needs a better diet and a good wash.
Where have I been hanging out that I know this? You don't wanna know!!