Subject: Double Dipping?
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Post at 12-8-2012 06:10  Profile P.M. 
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Double Dipping?

I'm planning out my next trip to Hong Kong which is in about 4 weeks time.  I know there are nice places in mainland China but I was wondering if anyone could suggest some places in Hong Kong that are like double dips, y'know? 800-1000 total dmg. cuz the hotel walkups and stuff are like 800ish but I assume they are all 1 timers.  I want to play, chill and play some more.  Any suggestions?  I tried to search but maybe I'm using the wrong search criteria to.  Any help would be greatly appreciate it.  I want to land and head straight to a nice long relaxing time!!
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Post at 12-8-2012 08:09  Profile P.M. 
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Dundas 37 or K Pressure. 500ish for 45 minutes.
Just do a search for those. The birds are hit and miss, but almost anything goes in 45 min.
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Post at 12-8-2012 09:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JD4241's post

You may wana try to pick up the WGs in the bar of Wan Chai and negotiate for an overnight stay with you.
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Post at 12-8-2012 09:28  Profile Blog P.M. 
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37D or K-P

u can also extend sessions at K-P, i think at 37D also. just tell the MMS u want an extra 20 minutes, or whatever u prefer.

i don't think they'd object if u booked a double-session either. of course, if u wanted, u cd try one tech, then after yr finished, walk right back in and ask for another. two scoops of ice cream, as it were.

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Post at 12-8-2012 17:28  Profile P.M. 
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Try the walkups at Portland street in Mongkok. You find two condoms on the pillows ;)
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Post at 12-8-2012 17:36  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the pointers, most of the papas/mamas are negotiable for a dbl dip, do u think my dmg can be under 1500? Man in Dongguan I can get 2 hours for under 800rmb >.< but I can understand the price hike in hk

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JackTheBat   12-8-2012 22:42  Acceptance  +1   @K-P u wd pay 2x $390 for the tech and $120 or $240 for the room

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