Subject: BC Lover ?
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Post at 18-6-2012 14:02  Profile P.M. 
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BC Lover ?

Is there any bro who tried BC Lover ? ... k-in-bc.-lover.html

Her DB pic is so hot, but I'm also worried that she would be completely different girl with those pics.
(Actually I have tried BC beautiful by same agent, and I was too much dissapointed about her real apprearance. Bad memory.)

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AsnDragon   20-6-2012 01:59  Acceptance  +4   Wow she looks like she's got a nice rack!
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Post at 20-6-2012 01:25  Profile P.M. 
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There is a good way to find out.....just pop up in her room and take a look. Dont be shy it's part of the game and if you dont like her or, as it often happens, the girl doesnt even look close to her DB pics, just smile and walk away.

And of course be so kind to write a report about it.
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Post at 20-6-2012 21:51  Profile P.M. 
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Adding her DB pics for everyone's benefit...

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Post at 24-6-2012 13:51  Profile P.M. 
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Very interested as well! lol

Anyone TOFTT?

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Post at 24-6-2012 18:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 SZ650's post

Bro, I'm looking at BC Lover on an 80 inch need to discount her by around 3 points (0 to 10 scale).  So whatever you see, take off 3.  I can see all the PS pixels on my screen and its sort of gross...

Her boobs are pretty big...can tell from bottom left photo above (not pushing up boobs with elbows)...but face...keep the expectations low.  Should you decide to go, let us know how the real deal is.  Thx!

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SZ650   25-6-2012 04:35  Karma  +1   lol...seriously? :( damn..

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