Subject: Women's look - Asian vs. Non Asian men
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Post at 8-5-2012 12:37  Profile P.M. 
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Women's look - Asian vs. Non Asian men

Is it me, or do Asian guys view the beauty of Asian women differently from Non Asian guys?  I have Non Asian friends, mainly gweilos, who have dated, married Asian girls that I personally would consider to be less than 5/10 on the looks scale.  Some of them are just butt ugly.

Yet my Non Asian friends think they look just fine and even hot.  I know looks are subjective in everyone's books, but in my opinion I think women who have bigger eyes, lighter skin, double eye lids, straight nose are more beautiful than women with small, sharp eyes, single eyelid, and darker skin.   

SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 8-5-2012 13:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Chasem's post

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Chasem   9-5-2012 07:13  Karma  +1   Thanks for digging those


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Post at 8-5-2012 13:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 SEAJ's post

It is clear to me that we have different tastes in what is "hot".  And that's a good thing!  All of us are not fighting over the same gals!!  

I have been surprised about some of my Chinese friends and the "super-hot" babe they are dating --- when they show up and I think "Meh, really?".  But...,  I am sure a 1,000 bros have thought the same about some chick I was raving about and they thought were nothing special.

We have different tastes in food, booze, movies..., andyes, women!  Cool.  A learning experience!  

PS:   before I moved to HK I never gave asain women asecond glance..., now I don't give western girls a second glance!  So our tastes are maleable, flexible.  For me......, I can't see ever securing a long-term thing with a western gal again.

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Petay_1283   9-5-2012 11:32  Acceptance  +3   I just thought you would shag anything lol
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Post at 8-5-2012 15:09  Profile P.M. 
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Hehe Wander is like me.  I don't even give a U.S. girl a second look.  I am like Meh I know the bullshit that follows her and I don't freaking want it.  I am not sure about Asian guys, but I know my Qweilo friends all think my Pinay is hot.  I think it is great that we all like something different.
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Post at 8-5-2012 16:09  Profile P.M. 
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I've been all over the world and I've seen very handsome Caucasian guys with a rather 'native' looking asian women. Now before I get flamed, let me define 'native'. Firstly, in most part of Asia, inclusive of China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, there are generally the better looking ones and what I would categorise as 'native' looking. These 'natives' are typically less educated, are less attractive and more 'aboriginal' in looks. One can even say that they look rather neanderthal. For those who travel widely in Asia might understand what I mean. Especially in Thailand and Indon, most of these have a squarer jaw, darker, more protruding teeth and dare I say 'ape like' features. Now, I have observed more than once, that caucasian men seem to like these. Some opine that they are more 'exotic'. I personally cannot even understand such an assessment. But good thing that someone picks up the fodder, right?

I've lived in Australia for 5 years, USA 2 and Europe 3 years and have my fair share of being immersed in the western culture and women. Sure there are many who are very attractive but if the percentage of porn that I've collected over the years is any indication of my preference, it's definitely asian women.

I was told by my relative in USA that western women shun asian men. Any truth to that?

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SEAJ   8-5-2012 17:13  Karma  +1   I just use less offensive term "National Geographic" to describe such gals.
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Post at 8-5-2012 16:11  Profile P.M. 
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Personally can't stand Pinay accent. Vietnamese chicks are hot and some are very submissive. But again, I can't get past the language. I find the viet language the most bizarre sounding ever... almost cartoonish.
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Post at 8-5-2012 16:22  Profile P.M. 
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Allow me to share my experience about what I saw when I was at one of the gulf states.

There are WGs there, but if you're hanging out here and used to the standard here, then if you see the WGs there, I bet you'll need a ton of alcohol to get past the sanity to engage one of them!

Firstly, they are on average above 30. Next, their Body Mass Index is typically above 30! Take the worse looking WG here on the DB and divide by o let me see... a gazillion, that's the standard there.

To be fair, that was at Bahrain, where they have a very strict rule against young single female PRC visitors, so perhaps that's where the cookie crumbles fall.

When I was there, I observed a rare find. A slim, petite and rather attractive (relative!) WG. She was ignored by all the Arabs! The men there like their women with curves! the more ripples the better!   oh well, to each his own.
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Post at 8-5-2012 17:11  Profile P.M. 
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I've noticed this many times but I imagine the same is true of western men with western women and asian men with asian women.

I imagine there isn't a man in the world who doesn't want to date or marry a woman that looks amazing but if we all thought the same thing was attractive there'd be a handful of very busy men and women and a lot of very disappointed ones just having to make do (or pay for it?).
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Post at 8-5-2012 18:20  Profile P.M. 
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As a Caucasian i often find myself not agreeing with reports where Asian men have rated the looks of a WG and provided real photos.

"One mans trash in another mans treasure"
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Post at 8-5-2012 18:36  Profile P.M. 
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Everybody has their own home bias towards women. Many East Asians view tanned skin as a horrible thing to have while in the US, it means you have time to get out to the beach. If you grew up with American rap music, you just might "like big butts and you can not lie...". Me, I hate super skinny girls even if they have the face and reputation of a model, reminds me of those eating disorder videos.
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Post at 8-5-2012 20:21  Profile P.M. 
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Well one of my best mates, who is caucasian has been dating this asian girl for around 12 months now and in all honesty she is maybe a 6/10 but in his eyes she is 10/10 and the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.

Funny thing is when it comes to perceiving caucasian women though, we can both agree and a score out of 10.

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wander   9-5-2012 10:47  Acceptance  +1   Ahhh love. Blind indeed. Sweet story though...
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Post at 8-5-2012 22:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Chasem's post

Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder right?

Asian guys brought up in Asia like girls with lighter skin, it's a status/class thing I believe

Asian guys brought up Western culture, are more likely to not care about skin colour but probably find western woman type features more appealing, higher bridge, larger eyes etc.

Caucasian guys that are into Asian girls like them, because it's a different look, exotic looking and the fact they are NOT 30 lbs overweight

Different strokes for different folks, variety is all good

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Jimstevens   9-5-2012 11:26  Karma  +2   This is correct IMHO
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Post at 8-5-2012 23:02  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by pringles at 8-5-2012 16:11
Personally can't stand Pinay accent. Vietnamese chicks are hot and some are very submissive. But again, I can't get past the language. I find the viet language the most bizarre sounding ever... almost ...

Vietnamese girls can be soooo hot until they open their mouths to speak...exaggeration of course but I can't stand the language and it's rather nazally sounding words.
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Post at 8-5-2012 23:29  Profile P.M. 
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Westernized Asian women is a major turn-on for me. No weird accents. I've dated a few and in my opinion, they are just awesome.
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Post at 9-5-2012 03:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 flinger's post

"Caucasian guys that are into Asian girls like them, because it's a different look, exotic looking and the fact they are NOT 30 lbs overweight."

Lol so freaking true.  You forgot the great service attitude that most Asian women have as well.  I love all the little things they do that a Western woman just won't or wouldn't even consider doing because it might demean her in her crazy ass mind.

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wander   9-5-2012 10:49  Acceptance  +1   Completely agree. I am forever ruined by Asian gals.
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Post at 9-5-2012 07:20  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by pringles at 8-5-2012 12:09 AM
I was told by my relative in USA that western women shun asian men. Any truth to that?

For the most part yes. There are a small number of Asian guys who get white chicks, and pretty good looking white chicks too I might add.  But most white girls simply aren't into US or Canadian Asian men.

That is changing though and in the past few years I've seen more white chicks with asian guys now.  I think white women are starting to realize that asian men are not that bad and in general have been able to provide good stability and security.  That or white girls think we just spoil asian women with whatever Hermes or Chanel bag they want.
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Post at 9-5-2012 07:22  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by icystealer at 8-5-2012 04:21 AM
Funny thing is when it comes to perceiving caucasian women though, we can both agree and a score out of 10.

Exactly,  I find this to be true as well.  My white buddies and I are all in sync with rating a white chick's looks.  But when it comes to Asian chicks, it's like we're north and south poles.

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wander   9-5-2012 10:50  Acceptance  +1   Yeah, I gotta agree with this too. Hmm odd. Wonder why?
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Post at 9-5-2012 07:39  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by comatose67 at 8-5-2012 07:29 AM
Westernized Asian women is a major turn-on for me. No weird accents. I've dated a few and in my opinion, they are just awesome.

I've had my fair share as well, and some were good and some were just fucking bitch horrible.  I think a lot has to do with their cross-culture.  They have the feminist movement Western side, along with the traditional Eastern side that just clashes.

For example, Westernized Asian women still want to be treated like a lady, but many don't treat the guy like a man.  They expect guys to open doors for them, pay for meals (especially the first date), but may or may not put out until lord knows when.  At the same time, she expects the guy to make good money, have ambition, pop the question with a fat rock on her finger.  And if the guy doesn't do this, you can damn well bet the guy is made to feel little, and lot less of a man.  

To me, many of the westernized asian women don't know how to stroke a guy's ego, and in some cases the dick too.  This is a good reason why guys like me punt.  When I go punting I'm constantly told I look good, I'm handsome, I'm big, I'm the best, I'm god.. whatever.  The girl I'm paying does what I want and more.  She makes me feel like a man-king. Yeah I know, it's all BS sometimes but we as men still like to hear it.  Just like a women likes to be told she's skinny, in good shape, young, and pretty.

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lefeu   9-5-2012 12:21  Karma  +1   Favorable
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Post at 9-5-2012 09:42  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Chasem at 8-5-2012 12:37
Is it me, or do Asian guys view the beauty of Asian women differently from Non Asian guys?  ...

beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder

I have a mate who loves big tits, and spinners make him go limp
Me, I love spinners, and - like oysters - think small tits are tastier than big ones

Perfect wingman!!

And, different from the sterotypical Chinese beauty, I also respond best to tanned skin ... which means those Chinese girls who are all insecure about not being whiter than white are bowled over to find someone who appreciates them ...

I also know some asian women who find large hairy gweilos attractive ... and I can't for the life of me understand why ...!  

Conclusion: go for what you like, being thankful you don't have too much competition, and leave the ones who don't catch your eye to someone else who wants her

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Post at 9-5-2012 11:02  Profile P.M. 
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The oddest thing about this conversation is one thing that has been mentioned a few times:

It DOES seem that Gweilos (me included) agree almost completely on the hotness of a gweilo girl.  Yeah, some deviations for those that are breast men versus ass men or leg men, but in general we all tend to agree whether a white gal is hot or not.

The same is not true with us gweilos rating Asian women.  A mate's indonesian "girlfriend" is bordering on ugly but to him she is smoking hot. Cool.  But odd....  normally we agree, so how can we be this far apart?

I recall standing out front of OCH a few weeks ago, when a mate comments on the hotties "over there".  I look and ask "where?"  The girls he pointed out were, at best, a 6.  Later on, I point out a Filipina that was simply gorgeous and he goes "you mean the one beside the freaky-looking chick?"  Umm, no..., I meant the sweet, beautiful girl that you just referred to as the "freaky looking chick".  Haha.  So, we dont agree...

Good I suppose.  But odd....

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