Subject: African girls in Wan Chai
Kinky King
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Post at 21-5-2012 12:51  Profile P.M. 
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African girls in Wan Chai

Walking home on Saturday night I Started taking to a black girl on Lockhart road down by the mtr ... Any way one thing lead to another and report is to follow.

However, what she did tell was the black girls are no longer allowed in the bars - neptunes always had a new in the alcove by the loos and come to think of it I havent seen any of late and there are more on the streets by delaneys etc

Any one know the reason they are barred?

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Post at 21-5-2012 14:03  Profile P.M. 
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I had noticed that they no longer appeared in escape or neptunes and were no hanging out with the trannys on luardroad.

Just me guessing but in my experience where ever there is an african working girl their is a nigerian pimp close by and these guys are always causing trouble! Or have heard quite a few stories from mates about being drugged by pairs of african women after heading to their room.

Just in general the number of africans is down as well, the whole right wall opposite the bar used to be covered in africans and some really stunning ones, not the super sized street meat that no hangs round prowling for punters!
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Post at 22-5-2012 21:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by WWHK at 21-5-2012 14:03
Just me guessing but in my experience where ever there is an african working girl their is a nigerian pimp close by and these guys are always causing trouble! Or have heard quite a few stories from mates about being drugged by pairs of african women after heading to their room.

Shame that this is the norm as, from my experience in WC, the chinese pimps tend to be decent enough.

Having known people who've visited the east coast of africa and some of the less wealthy areas the stories of being drugged etc do not surprise me. There are some hard places (to live and grow up) and it doesn't surprise me that people coming from those places act in these ways as its all they've known back home. I'm not saying its right as I believe you should always behave appropriate to the host country (at least!) but these stories don't surprise me.

N.B. just a quick edit to add that this is not a stereotype - I read this back and I understood it could be taken that way. No offence was intended.

[ Last edited by  investor at 23-5-2012 02:41 ]

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