Subject: How far would you travel to get some nookie?
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Post at 3-5-2012 19:12  Profile P.M. 
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How far would you travel to get some nookie?

As the title suggests, how far would you travel to get some? I don't mean from another country as part of a business trip or holiday but actually travel from home, hotel, work, etc? I hope that makes sense. A friend of mine took a 2 hour flight to another city to see his gf and have some fun and he only saw her for less than an hour. Now that's determination. In terms of WG, when I was in HK it was a 5 minute walk from my hotel. I was and still am a newbie so I'm not really fussed yet. It will be interesting to read some off our stories.

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gwailoplayer   3-5-2012 22:23  Karma  +1   Ha! no more than 25 mins on the MTR
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 3-5-2012 21:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 spinaclez's post

would u believe I am trying to make a ski trip out to asia so I have a reason to make a pitstop to HK/macau for some wg action?   Its either that or find a new career that req. regular travel to asia?  which is more crazier?
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Post at 3-5-2012 23:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 spinaclez's post

not very far... i always order delivery service to my room
yes, i'm fat and lazy, sue me!
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Post at 3-5-2012 23:36  Profile P.M. 
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Maximum 2 hours an it'll have to be worth it.
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Post at 4-5-2012 03:53  Profile P.M. 
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Dude I have flown on the exact opposite side of this world from where I live just to have fun and I will continue to do it in the future.  She is just too hot not to!!
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Post at 4-5-2012 07:23  Profile P.M. 
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i've flown 16 hours and gone out of my way to make a stop in HK.
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Post at 4-5-2012 08:06  Profile P.M. 
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From Oakland down to San Jose (80km or so) starting just before rush hour, about a 2 hour drive.  Excluded are the trips from the US to Macau/Hong Kong or from Bangkok to Macau, although I will count Bangkok to Hat Yai, maybe 5 hours from hotel to hotel to get there.
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Post at 4-5-2012 09:15  Profile P.M. 
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While in HK i tried to explore the nearby buildings from the place i'm staying in search of those 141 walk ups.
It feels great to be able to discover their hide outs and satisfying my curiosity on how each of them may look compared to their DB pics.
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Post at 4-5-2012 09:48  Profile P.M. 
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Macau is this furthest I'm gone for a day trip whilst in HK ... I have book short trips toManila, Ho chi Minh and punted there but was not my sole reason to visit ... They were bonuses.

In general 20 /25 mins on the mtr.
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Post at 4-5-2012 12:31  Profile P.M. 
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Woah... I thought I was bad.. some of you guys traveled halfway through the world for nookie! lol..

My longest trip was about 4 hours from Shenzhen (I was driving and got lost!) to Macau to get with this really hot civie chic... then woke up at 6am to get back to Shenzhen to finish my work the next day...
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Post at 5-5-2012 02:08  Profile P.M. 
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I did travel across half the world and it was worth it.  I think if the place and girls are safe, then I'm willing to go anywhere.  Must sample the many different girls the world has to offer.  Can't just restrict to home y'know.
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Post at 5-5-2012 03:13  Profile P.M. 
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Just booked my flight for June.  Hong Kong, Macau, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Pattaya.  The only thing that will slow me down is funds.  Mongering money limited, so I'll be searching for the best deals to maximize the sex and minimize the cost.  I think that nookie is the best reason to travel.
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Post at 5-5-2012 08:52  Profile P.M. 
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Furtherest is HK and well worth the the normal local girls in dire here.

Thank the lord for international students
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Post at 5-5-2012 11:38  Profile P.M. 
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Longest of mine was going to US, man that was worth it. Hope to do that soon again. In HKG I don't mind going in search anywhere.
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Post at 5-5-2012 13:06  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by yazoo at 4-5-2012 11:13 AM
Just booked my flight for June.  Hong Kong, Macau, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Pattaya.  The only thing that will slow me down is funds.  Mongering money limited, so I'll be searching for the best deals to m ...

Thailand will be cheaper though, so it won't be so bad bro.  I would love to hit Thailand again!
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Post at 5-5-2012 15:28  Profile P.M. 
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To the moon if good "nookie" was available there.  And minimum is 10km from where I live.
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Post at 5-5-2012 23:43  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by devilgodspeed at 4-5-2012 09:15
While in HK i tried to explore the nearby buildings from the place i'm staying in search of those 141 walk ups.
It feels great to be able to discover their hide outs and satisfying my curiosity on how ...

I enjoy doing this as well, curiosity kills the cat.. :p

As a matter of fact, whenever i have a trip, if theres an option to stop by HK, I would do it just to be able to catch up on the mongering scene.. I truly feel hk has the 1 of the most interesting and vibrant mongering scene, especially with the 141 community.. just can't put my finger on it.
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Post at 6-5-2012 06:28  Profile Blog P.M. 
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traveling for a punt

i can't answer this question. i seldom leave Asia, but right now i'm in Europe for a family reunion. the gateway to Europe is Frankfurt, i booked a nice and reasonably priced hotel close to the train station, first trip to Germany...i thought, well, i'll just spend a couple of days and get over jetlag.

was it just COINCIDENCE that within 16 hours of arrival i was at an FKK club i'd researched on the Net, being manhandled by a pair of luscious Russian blondes?? but, the reason for travel is the family thing. now i know what an FKK can be. i'd love to go again. enough to buy an expensive air ticket to fly thousands of kilometers to spend hundreds of euros?

we'll see about that. in HK, it's so damn easy...taking the MTR Kowloonside is a "long" trip for me, LOL. i mean, more than 20 minutes on the MTR is a long commute in HK. in that sense we're spoiled, but imagine queueing for that long in a sweltering pink-lit hallway with a bunch of guys actively not-looking at each other.

whenever/wherever i travel, the possibility of mongering is On My Agenda. co-workers/clients are a stumbling block. the one place i never consider is the US of A, where it's disappointing at best and dangerous at worst. a Franklin or two for a CBJ, not to mention the substance-abuse...yeesh. if i was independently wealthy i'd be interested in places like eastern Europe and Dubai. i guess. i tend to visit Pattaya every year, if u like Asian women, BKK/PTY are goldmines.

so i guess that's my limit for travel. although i have long had an urge to visit Harbin and see what's happening up there...

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Post at 8-5-2012 14:18  Profile P.M. 
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Youth and travel!

Right after my University days/just beginning my career in Hong Kong, a friend and I learned about the famed Kawasaki brothels in Tokyo and decided that we MUST experience this for ourselves.

My friend, who by that time was already quite experienced with the mongering scene in Hong Kong, decided for us that this is going to be so far removed from all that he's used to in Hong Kong that it will be well worth the trip.  And so off we Tokyo...with just the singular purpose of getting screwed by the best.

And yes, it WAS worth every effort/every penny we doled out as we spent 3 glorious days there going to those famed establishments where the ambience/class of the venue PLUS the service, beauty of the gal etc were all top notch. Truly once in a life time/never to be forgotten experience.

And strangely, after I got back, I didn't do any other PAID mongering for a long long time....I guess I was thinking, I've had the best, why settle for second best etc.



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Post at 8-5-2012 18:43  Profile P.M. 
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I've seen some guys become addicted to this hobby very quickly (and easily) so I'm aware that I'm laid back on the desire to travel for a punt.

I don't think I've gone more than an hour or two to see a lady unless I've been traveling in which case that can go up to 22 hours.

The only rule I have is that I travel to do it and never in my own backyard. If I were a billionaire-type with access to unlimited travel I might change that perspective slightly though

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