Subject: This info changed my outlook on bare back Bj
Kinky King
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Post at 2-5-2012 22:50  Profile P.M. 
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This info changed my outlook on bare back Bj

I always do cbj since last year because of HIV scare....

After reading this ... ... tever_happened.html

Makes sense.... Might go back on selective BBbJ  ...I just need to watch those other std ....

Any comment..

Why need KY if saliva is so natural and provides anti HIV coating
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 2-5-2012 22:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 kantotsupa's post

Did you actually read it?
Chill man

".....A healthy man or woman with no STDs and few activated T cells is highly unlikely to contract HIV even if exposed to it through oral or vaginal intercourse (of course anal sex can be just as deadly for a woman as it is for a gay man). Without activated T cells to invade, the virus will normally die.


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ICIM   5-5-2012 01:30  Acceptance  +1   How does one check wether or not one has activated T cells?


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Post at 2-5-2012 23:14  Profile P.M. 
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Even if he and she are healthy, he just wants to be safe to make sure
but how much can you avoid if you decide to punt.
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 3-5-2012 04:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 SEAJ's post

i agree.  i read it & i dunno what specifically freaked u out.  My fav comment is selective girls are immunue to std...only the ugly gets them.  I've known a few people in my lifetime who were HIV....u wouldn't never think who gets them.
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Post at 3-5-2012 11:34  Profile P.M. 
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Unprotected oral sex is VERY safe.

My first mongering experiences 8 years ago consisted of two sessions in Hong Kong brothels.  Both involved only BBBJs.

A few days after those sessions, I caught a very powerful flu.  I read  flu-like symptoms are common at the onset of HIV infection.  I completely panicked.  For two days, I couldn't work or sleep or even eat.  I spent all day and night reading about HIV online.

I decided that I should try a high dosage of anti-viral medication.  I heard some people in the medical community exposed to HIV tainted blood would get this dosage -- and most wind up not getting AIDS.  

So I called the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) and spoke to a women at their AIDS hotline.  I'd be forever grateful for what she said...

She said of the 500,000 cases of HIV infection on file at the CDC, none of them came from receiving BBBJ.  She said it's not even worth my time getting tested, although she mentioned the risk of contracting other types of sexually transmitted diseases.

She said there's some risk for the giver of BBBJ, but it's extremely small.  Something like 8-10 cases (out of 500,000).  Lastly, she said there are no cases of transmitted HIV from DATY (giver or receiver).

So there we have it.  Out of 500,000 cases of HIV infection...

BBBJ receiver - 0 cases
BBBJ giver - 8-10 cases
DATY receiver - 0 cases
DATY giver - 0 cases

Mainstream medical literature says these are "moderately risky" activity.  But that's just bullshit anti-sex propaganda.

Lastly, we all should agree that the San Francisco medical community should have the most expertise on AIDS since the city is the gay capital of the world.  

According to this website run by the Department of Public Health, City & County of San Francisco...

"Oral sex and semen swallowing carry a very, very low risk of HIV infection. While some recent studies have suggested it may be zero...There seems to be even a lower risk of transmission in people who receive oral sex and I am not aware of any case reports that document getting oral sex as a way to get HIV."

"It is extremely rare — some say impossible — to contract HIV from receiving oral sex—there are no well-documented reported cases."

So relax everyone and enjoy your BBBJs.
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 3-5-2012 14:06  Profile P.M. 
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Thats what the doc told me. They say that they have to mention that it may happen because if it does, then they CYA. But in reality, they say the risks are nil to contract hiv with a bbbj (I dont am not a doctor!). However, with bbbj, its the others std's you should be careful with (mainly herpes from what the doc told me).
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Post at 3-5-2012 17:22  Profile P.M. 
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Just wanting to add balance to the thread - remember folks HIV isn't the only nasty out there which you can catch from BBBJ.

One of the issues with contracting STI's through BBBJ is to do with gum health (I read a long time ago anyway). I think one of the dangers with these studies is that you're dealing with something that has so many variables it is impossible to exactly say what risks are.

From my own understanding catching HIV is rare through BBBJ but that risk is still there. As has been said on other threads, if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen (or words to that effect).

Stay safe
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Post at 3-5-2012 17:26  Profile P.M. 
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I'd like to point out that while risk of getting HIV from BBBJ is very low, the article is not written from a punters perspective in that they are talking of the general public not WG who inherently are much more likely to be carriers due to more sexual partners and customers who are more likely to be into drugs and other risky activities than your average Joe

there are other STD one can catch which can be with you for a lifetime and be nasty.
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 3-5-2012 21:12  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by furryfriend at 2-5-2012 10:34 PM
Unprotected oral sex is VERY safe.

So relax everyone and enjoy your BBBJs.   

I am pretty sure the mods here will chime in soon saying to ask your doc as they are most qualified to answer with more accuracy.

Don't be lead to false belief is VERY safe.  odds of HIV from bbbj? yes.  odds of std?  well, there is a chance.  VERY safe is a loose term but there are ways to minimize this risk.  But there are risks.  As others have point out, there is always a chance lightening can strike us too.  when punters partake in WG activities, the odds of std, hiv, etc all goes up...that we can't deny.  Just becareful, use good judgement & enjoy life.

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twiceAweek   7-5-2012 17:21  Karma  +1   Absolutely !
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Post at 5-5-2012 15:53  Profile P.M. 
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I would trust the cdc data.  If you're the receiver and not giver of the bbbj, you should be safe from HIV.  Just don't do bbfs.
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Post at 5-5-2012 20:10  Profile P.M. 
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i would be a lot more worried about the clap, gonorrhea, or HPV.  there are drug resistant strains of gonorrhea floating around now, and there are links between HPV and cancer.  those would scare me a whole hell of a lot worse than the remote chance of getting hiv.
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Post at 5-5-2012 20:13  Profile P.M. 
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also, how do you think the cdc got their data?  do you think they're paying people to have just BBBJ, to just give or just receive oral sex?  This stuff is seriously hard to research, take everything with a grain of salt, and just be smart.
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Post at 5-5-2012 21:10  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by reggid at 3-5-2012 05:26 PM
I'd like to point out that while risk of getting HIV from BBBJ is very low, the article is not written from a punters perspective in that they are talking of the general public not WG who inherently a ...

People have to understand the difference between "theoretical risk" and a "documented case".

Yes, there is a "theoretical risk" of getting HIV from receiving BBBJ.  There is also a theoretical risk getting struck by lightning 10 times in a row.   Just because something can happen in theory doesn’t mean it has actually happened or even remotely likely to happen.

Here's more direct quotes from credible medical sources about the risk of HIV from BBBJ


University of California, San Francisco

"There are no known cases of someone getting HIV from receiving oral sex"


Minnesota AIDS Project ... iv-transmission.php

"A person receiving oral sex is generally not at risk because that person is coming into contact only with saliva, which does not transmit HIV."


AIDS Vancouver

"There have been no documented cases of men getting HIV by receiving oral sex (getting a blow-job, being sucked off, getting head) ."


Nevada State Health Division, AIDS Program

"Receiving oral sex is such an extremely low risk that it took many years of worldwide surveillance to find anyone becoming infected this way.  Given enough time and enough opportunity, extremely rare events (like transmission through kissing and receiving oral sex) are bound to occur.  With all the oral sex that occurs worldwide every day, the fact that it took so many years to find any cases worldwide, proves that this is an extremely low risk....We cannot say there is zero risk...since nothing in medicine (or life for that matter) is absolute or 100%. But realistically, the chances of infection by receiving oral sex are extremely small.


New Zealand AIDS Foundation

"Unprotected oral sex carries a very low risk of HIV transmission... [T]here would only be a risk of HIV if fresh blood inside the mouth of the person giving oral sex connected with the open cut on your penis."


The Canadian AIDS Society ... e_may_04/13-eng.php

The Canadian AIDS Society (CAS) currently classifies insertive fellatio [the receiver of oral sex] as carrying a negligible risk of HIV transmission regardless of condom use."


Centro Sanitario Sandoval, Madrid

"In June 2002, a study conducted amongst 135 HIV negative Spanish heterosexuals, who were in a sexual relationship with a person who was HIV positive, reported that over 19,000 instances of unprotected oral sex had not led to any cases of HIV transmission"



"There have been three case reports and a few studies suggesting that some people have been infected with HIV as a result of unprotected oral sex.  However, these case reports and studies all involved...the receptive partners (the person doing the "sucking")...There hasn't been a single documented case of HIV transmission to an insertive partner (the person being "sucked") during unprotected oral sex..."
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Post at 6-5-2012 13:07  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by furryfriend at 5-5-2012 21:10

People have to understand the difference between "theoretical risk" and a "documented case".

Yes, there is a "theoretical risk" of getting HIV from receiving BBBJ.  Th ...

the same can be said about "documented cases" versus "actual cases" just because there may be no definitive documented cases does mean there aren't any real cases out there

the put your money where your mouth is (or penis is) question is "whether you would knowingly let someone with HIV give you a BBJ"?
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 6-5-2012 13:31  Profile P.M. 
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Hmmm... where's Twice?

Coz he usually comes on these kind of threads to tell one and all that we are all NOT medical professionals and thus NOT qualified to talk about/may lead some unwary to wrong conclusions etc.

We also have a long standing and stickied thread ... &extra=page%3D1
where Twice would usually re-direct us to...before shutting threads down. LOL!



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Post at 6-5-2012 17:44  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by reggid at 6-5-2012 01:07 PM
just because there may be no definitive documented cases does mean there aren't any real cases out there

The quote I posted from the Nevada doctor says it best and answers your inquiry fully and emphatically.  To paraphrase what he said...

There must be millions of acts of BBBJ every month around the world.  If the CDC has to struggle just to find ONE case of HIV transmission from receiving BBBJ, that should tell you something about the odds.

I'm sure there has been guys getting HIV from BBBJ.  Nothing is ever 0% or 100%.  But seriously, you have a far greater chance of dying from catching a flu from a provider.  So let's put things in perspective and not get hysterical.
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Post at 6-5-2012 22:30  Profile P.M. 
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yes bros,
with all this diseases out there; ... does not make our hobby easier.
In the bbbj case, the only thing i can do, is a outside examination.
I know many diseases you can´t see from outside, but if a girl has herpes,
pimples on her lips, mouth bleeding, dry lips, bad breath, tongue coating, reddened pharynx,
is unkempt and so on, i will pass.
Also in the heat of a hot 69 session, i will ensure that her mouth have the right fitting size for LB.
So may i have to skip Viky from my list; too bad.
Good luck for all bros here
and stay save.

[ Last edited by  DaBestHK at 7-5-2012 20:40 ]

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Post at 7-5-2012 16:23  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by furryfriend at 6-5-2012 17:44
The quote I posted from the Nevada doctor says it best and answers your inquiry fully and emphatically.  To paraphrase what he said...

There must be millions of acts of BBBJ every month around the world.  If the CDC has to struggle just to find ONE case of HIV transmission from receiving BBBJ, that should tell you something about the odds.

I'm sure there has been guys getting HIV from BBBJ.  Nothing is ever 0% or 100%.  But seriously, you have a far greater chance of dying from catching a flu from a provider.  So let's put things in perspective and not get hysterical.

other than the OP who obviously didn't read the original link nobody has said or implied it is high risk to catch HIV from BBBJ and most people comments about taking care are for the other nastiness one might catch not HIV.

i guess the issue remains if someone has contacted HIV how would the medical authorities know what the actual transmission path was this is more a general comment rather than insinuating the BBBJ may have been the cause of some of the transmissions that have been put down to some other means .

Nobody in this thread seems to be getting hysterical.

As for nothing ever being 0% or 100% that is for another thread
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Post at 7-5-2012 17:32  Profile P.M. 
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There is no such thing as 'safe', 'very safe' or 100% safe'  !!!  

if playing the odds is what bros here wants to do,  then do so at your own risk ... but do not preach to others !!!

if HIV is all that worries bros here then this is a very warped perception !

if anyone wants to preach 'safe' then no exchange of bodily fluids is 'safer' then anything else !!!

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