Subject: Best Agents To Use
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Post at 29-2-2012 04:43  Profile P.M. 
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Best Agents To Use


Nookie Newbie here l

Going to HK (TST) in april and just wanted some advice on which agents are the most relaible and trustworthy to use, I will only be in HK (TST) for 3 days so i dont think i will have enough time to vist other area of HK hence why i am only interested in agents that operate in TST.

There may already be a thread in regards to my query so please accept my apologies in advance.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Post at 29-3-2012 00:28  Profile P.M. 
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I don't know enough about agents to give you a proper answer on that however I have been in HK for a couple of weeks now and figured I'd just chip in a quick note:

Just because you're living in TST doesn't mean other areas are out of bounds It's -really- easy, cheap and fast to get around in HK.

Buses gallore, a very efficient and clean underground, and taxis are all over the place. The public transport is a steal and a cab will generally cost you 40HKD for a 10 minute trip (which usually covers the distance of ~3 MTR [underground/subway/metro] stops).

Obviously depends on how busy you are, but don't feel you're limited
G-A-R-Y (Tight Pussy Hunter)

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Post at 29-3-2012 12:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 mattk's post

Look in the DB. Stick to Hotel Girls (HGs) they will be better quality.

Generally speaking if an agent is "advertising" his brand by sticking his initials in from of the girls name, then he's trying build a good reputation and brand. So the one's with "prefixes" are generally more reliable choices.

With that said, it's just a matter of your personal preference. If you like the look of a girl in the DB, then search for her name in the forum reports to see if anyone else has visited her.

Before you call any agents, get a local HK SIM, don't lose it, it will be the way the agents track you and how you build a reputation with them. Go to Watson's and buy a box of Sagami Original 0.02 condoms (you won't regret it).

Have a couple of backup options ready in case you can't get the appointment you want or the agent does a B&S (bait and switch) on you and a HAVE TO walk away. B.T.W. You DO have to walk away from a B&S. Remember the agents are tracking your number and if you're flagged as a sucker, you'll get B&S'd all the time!

Remember to bring a camera. Set it on the nightstand with a 0.02. Try to take some photos for posterity and so you can write a report later. Most girls will allow naked photos, some will even allow naked shots showing their face! If not, they'll almost always say yes to clothed shots after refusing naked ones.

And then come back and write a report!

Good luck!


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UncleDad   29-3-2012 12:39  Karma  +1   Good info giving to newbies!

Don't flame me, I swear those insults were supposed to be taken as compliments!
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Post at 29-3-2012 16:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 G-A-R-Y's post

I have a question regarding booking from agents. Is it better to call at say 1pm and make appointment sometime in afternoon say 2pm or 3pm or is it better to arrive at the location and thencall so you can almost immediently proceed to the booking? Ive been to only 3 HG bookings and just called outside the area and was fine but havnt tried booking in hours advance. Any difference?
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Post at 30-3-2012 00:18  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by pussycrazy at 3/29/12 12:42 AM
I have a question regarding booking from agents. Is it better to call at say 1pm and make appointment sometime in afternoon say 2pm or 3pm or is it better to arrive at the location and thencall so you can almost immediently proceed to the booking? Ive been to only 3 HG bookings and just called outside the area and was fine but havnt tried booking in hours advance. Any difference?

Depends on how busy the girl is. When you call, the agent can tell you anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours. The girls will likely be less busy in the early afternoon after lunch time. Evenings are busier. I'd call first and then go to where you're told to go.
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Post at 30-3-2012 10:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 random1's post

Thanks a million and will give a try.

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Intenseslacker   30-3-2012 13:27  Acceptance  +1   Dont forget to report your success!

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