I think this is bad luck, I have never seen anyone get into this situation unless the provider has already taken off her clothes or helped you with your clothes or otherwise touched you or let you touch them. however in some of the provider's minds, the fact that you come in side and the door is closed means you have committed to the deal.
Next time decide while standing in the hall
if you want to do her
if she will do what you want (e.g. DFK, DATY etc)
how much she wants for it
don't go in until all these are clearly sussed and understood between you both.
I think she was just trying it on with you and given the dubious security and morality of the whole situation ( note what she and you are doing in the room is completely legal here) expected you would capitulate as recommended by myself and the other brothers here and simply pay the 50 and walk out. most of the time it will never go like this, but you have to expect the 50 is the cost of doing business and you will be hit with it. look on it as Karma, other girls will give you excelletn service and some will even refuse the tip (it has happened, albeit rarely)
Again as I have told folks many times some classic advice given to me by my father a long time ago but of course in another context:
"Don't get your ass kicked to save a lousy 20 dollars"
and he was talking about USD.
Assume any threat to call in the calvary is real and will happen. I have a local friend here who was merely in the wrong place at the wrong time and had the wrong words with the wrong person, and immediately thereafter was seen dialing on his mobile phone, and this wrong person assumed that my friend was calling out his Triad reinforcements, so this wrong person called out his own Triad reinforcements, and of course my friend was merely making a call to someone else to say he was in route to meet them. Sure enough the wrong persons's Triad reinforcements rocked up and seriously kicked my friend's ass and he was in the hospital for several days recovering.
be safe
Keep on mongering
Last edited by gwailoplayer at 12-2-2012 15:40 ]