I would do the following:
1. Stay in the REgal Kowloon or the Holiday Inn (assuming you're stuck on TST, there's more late night bar action in Wan Chai)
2. Start at Hari's Bar in the Holiday Inn. It should be hoping on a Friday as DaBest said, but Hari's can also be uneven in supply/quality from time-to-time.
3. If no luck at Hari's, walk down Mody Road about 10 minutes to Sticky Fingers.
4. If no luck at Sticky Fingers then cross the street to the big open plaza and select one of the cute, clean and charming SWs.
I followed this action plan after reading TonyToro's excellent post on the subject. I would have never taken a SW before, but was surprised by the quality on offer.
http://forum.sex141.com/eforum/v ... %2Bstreet%2Bwalkers