Originally posted by CunningLinguist at 26-10-2011 03:03
What about boys over 26? Get it or not?
It's a probability thing. You can talk it over with your doc, but even he likely won't know the right answer.
The reason they don't recommend the vaccine past a certain age is simply because by your 20's it's statistically likely that you've already gotten the HPV strains that the vaccine protects against. It's not that the vaccine won't work on an adult (which is the problem for the TB vaccine), it's that the statisticians are guessing that you already got the bug. I don't know about you, but I don't like medicine practiced that way.
You can be tested for HPV (and the specific strain) but only if the infection is active (which will show no visible signs to you for all of the HPV strains except for maybe the wart version (16,18,31)). If the virus is dormant you will test clean.
Even if you have HPV, your odds of getting penile cancer, etc. from it are very low, but it's a bigger help to your SO because you won't pass it on to her and girls are more seriously at risk from cervical cancer than we are from penile and anal cancer.
I'm willing to bet that if the vaccine was cheaper that they would recommend every sexually active adult get it, but they like to do these cost/benefit studies, blah, blah. Get the shots if cost is not problem for you is my plan.