Subject: Want a time machine for old 141 pages ?
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Post at 26-12-2010 12:31  Profile P.M. 
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Want a time machine for old 141 pages ?

Well, sometimes you might need an old website page for some reason when websites are updating too fast.
Here's a way to get "old" page cached in an internet archive.

for usage with sex141, like ... p/viewforum.php?f=1

you can get this... notice the date, it's actually 2002 for 8 years ago. (see untitled1.jpg below)

a full listing for 141 Chinese page cached is here: (only 2002~2008)*

of course, pictures and sub-pages are usually not available.
BUT, it's helpful if you want to check some agent's phone number/WG's Cup size/... something like that you know, bro.

example: (one of WG in 2006)

[ Last edited by  sron63 at 26-12-2010 17:00 ]

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Post at 31-5-2011 23:26  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks man

This is great. I forget some profiles that i found before that i liked. This will come in great use
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Post at 1-6-2011 06:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sron63's post

You presented a nostalgic visit to the past. Perhaps the veterans in this forum could relate more than the newcomers.

curveslover, indeed if someone has left the forum -- removed DB profile + pic -- there's a chance you couldrecover them using this tool. But I think it's not a guarantee you'll find them.

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