Subject: First timer here.
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Post at 3-4-2007 16:09  Profile P.M. 
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First timer here.

First time poster, Long time reader.

As the topic says. This is my first time posting. I will be visiting Hong Kong in the summer and I actually wanna use some of these girls.
I am an chinese guy, born in HK, but moved to Canada when I was only 1. You could say I'm a "Jok-Sing" but yeah. I wanna do some of these girls hard. I was looking for similiar stuff in Canada but the shit here is expensive as hell. $300-500 CND. So I was dumbfounded when I found out that shit here is only $300+HKD.

So I have a few questions:

1. Are these girls clean? I don't want my dick infested in parasites just fo a good fuck.
2. How true are those pictures? Some of those girls are fucking hot, but then you have to think; If they are so good looking, why aren't they models?
3. Photoshop much? LoL.
4. What's the best way to book one of them? Calling and asking?
5. Do I go through a mamasan or papasan first?
6. How does payment work?
7. How old do I have to be? I'm a hony 19 year old that needs some serious fucking.

Sorry for the essay of the post, you have to understand that I'm nervous. The only girl I've been with is my girlfriend. and that was 3 years ago.
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Post at 3-4-2007 18:40  Profile P.M. 
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1. use rubberware
2. beats me
3. all depends
4. think so
5. for hotel reservations, yes
6. In God we trust, all other strictly cash
7. hmmm...............................
Lustful Lord
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Post at 3-4-2007 22:45  Profile Site P.M.  ICQ Status
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You are 19 right just go for a 141 instead of hotel, bet you will not want to goto hotel before knowing the industry properly

Host Can we have a Community Forum here too so, English speaking chicks get to post there infos here? people without agents of course :P

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