Subject: Please rspond ASAP
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Post at 14-5-2011 01:00  Profile P.M. 
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Please rspond ASAP

When. I arrive in Macau, where is the best place for me to exchange my US currency to HK currency?

Bought in some cash to to pick up girls from the streerts and out calls

Thanks alot!! Flight leaving in 1 hr

sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 14-5-2011 01:30  Profile P.M. 
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where are you from?  

My experience is if you have an account with a big name bank in your country, just use it in HK.  In USA, if you have a bank account with the big players like HSBC, Citibank or Chase.....I know you def. find it in HK.  Rates are good and no fees as I recall.  If you have a high level account, you even get preferred rates.
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Post at 14-5-2011 09:36  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by cherryhunter at 14-5-2011 01:00
When. I arrive in Macau, where is the best place for me to exchange my US currency to HK currency?

Bought in some cash to to pick up girls from the streerts and out calls

Thanks alot!! Flight leavi ...

Just use ATM. You usually get a decent rate with a reputable bank.

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