Subject: Shower smell, and the SO's sensitive nose!
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Post at 4-5-2011 17:10  Profile P.M. 
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Shower smell, and the SO's sensitive nose!

Hey folks , one of the main reasons I don't punt so much is cause of the shower gels that smell different to the ones I use at home.  My SO has a quite sensitive nose and I paranoid that she can pick up the smell of a different shower gel.  I am not naturally sweaty and so I'm not able to cover it up.  Do you guys have this same problem and how do you get around it?
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Post at 4-5-2011 17:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Stonecold's post

I know what your talking about, I try to be extra careful.

What I suggest you do is to just rinse, no soap.  If the girl has heavy perfume, your in trouble.  I suggest you join a gym, and hit a punt before going to the gym.
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 4-5-2011 17:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Stonecold's post

No matter if winter or summer - get in your car, roll up the windows, chain-smoke and then turn on the heater full blast.

PLUS - get yourself some really strong sweet smelling after-shave and on a DAILY basis, splash it on yourself.  Keep another bottle in the car/office - and make it a habit to always have your over-powering scent on you.

Only problem is that then you'd smell like a cheap Gigolo every day!


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 4-5-2011 17:54 ]


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Post at 4-5-2011 18:06  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Stonecold at 4-5-2011 17:10
Hey folks , one of the main reasons I don't punt so much is cause of the shower gels that smell different to the ones I use at home.  My SO has a quite sensitive nose and I paranoid that she can pick  ...

why don't you just take a shower gel container with your brand with you to punt... ask the WG to use that instead. Decant what you have at home into a smaller bottle that is easy to carry and your back into the scene!

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bcs74   5-5-2011 18:34  Acceptance  +2   Exactly
Stonecold   5-5-2011 07:51  Acceptance  +2   Good advice!
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Post at 4-5-2011 18:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Stonecold's post

Totally get what you mean. Hitting the gym after a punt was a good one.

Spray yourself with cologne/deodorant after your session to mask the smell...

Throughout all my punts, only one WG has offered to wash me with non-scented soap! Smart girl, that one!
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Post at 4-5-2011 18:37  Profile P.M. 
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Can't join a gym cause my SO and I already go to the gym in our building, I don't smoke either. I guess I could keep a small amount of the home shower gel but that means I'd have to go to the office to pick it up and then drop it off back at the office, unless I find a way to get cheap disposable bottles that I can just chuck out after use.  Taking this a little further perhaps if I find a 141 that will become a regular I can just buy a bottle of thesame stuff and keep it with her, but that reduces the flexibility and fun of punting all over the place.
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Post at 4-5-2011 22:44  Profile P.M. 
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Ever travel for work? Say that you're using the mini lotions that the hotels give you as an experiment to see which one works best for you.
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Post at 4-5-2011 22:56  Profile P.M. 
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Or if you have a collection of the shower gel/shampoo/conditioner/lotions from different hotels that you collect when you travel for work, you could use them and since you are using different ones all the time, that would explain the different scents. As a precaution, carry a small bottle of your usual cologne with you, and spray it on after the shower, so that a regular scent is mixed in as well. Keep her confused and she won't (hopefully) question it.

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Stonecold   5-5-2011 07:52  Acceptance  +2   Change my lifestyle though.
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Post at 5-5-2011 03:18  Profile P.M. 
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Take up jogging. Jog to the walkup/hg, take a shower, then jog again afterwards home. Your sweat will mask any previous fragrances and your wife will immediately direct you to the showers after arriving home.
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 5-5-2011 03:37  Profile P.M. 
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I don't get what is so someone suggested, bring your own gel soap. how hard is that.  Get a refillable travel size so its not like u have to lug a gallon of it with you.  Be courteous to others who are sensitive!
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Post at 5-5-2011 07:50  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for all your advice everyone!
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Post at 5-5-2011 11:34  Profile P.M. 
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You single guys have no idea...

... it's NOT SO EASY!  if you are going home to a family to a wife chances are they will realize that you smell clean PERIOD!  The only way is the gym scenario, otherwise there is no other way unless you really do all those crazy things that everyone suggested.  What I don't understand is WGs really don't use unscented soaps, I am shocked that there isn't a market for it, unless it can't mask the smell of our stinky junk so that they could put their mouths on our cocks?    I for one am very wary when it comes to going punting, I come home and head straight for the shower, plus I always have an extra set of clothes in the car, just in case.  That's why when I travel, the punting experience is 1000Xs better, I have no worries about smelling differently or the wife asking for sex the same night that I just busted 3 nuts.

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Stonecold   5-5-2011 12:12  Karma  +2   Somebody who understands!
Stonecold   5-5-2011 12:12  Acceptance  +2   Somebody who understands!
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Post at 5-5-2011 13:52  Profile P.M. 
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shower smell

For one off punts, I have a small cough mixture bottle that slips into my pocket and lays quite flat. For the two girls I see regularly they keep a bottle of my shower gel and a deoderant spray for me. They also keep my own box of condoms.

Real problem for me is the towels. many of them have a rather rancid smell and this is picked up at home - only way to beat that without having own towel is heavy use of thick kitchen towel.
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Post at 5-5-2011 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sexpert at 5-5-2011 11:34
... it's NOT SO EASY!  if you are going home to a family to a wife chances are they will realize that you smell clean PERIOD!  The only way is the gym scenario, otherwise there is no other way unless  ...

Even when you travel, you still have to be careful and air out the clothes you use. Don't just dump it in the luggage and close.

I agree though it is much easier. An extra hair or smudge, you can always claim innocence and you don't know how it got there. Perhaps you picked it up at hotel or  airplane.
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Post at 5-5-2011 15:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 lean9088's post

Yeah further to that if you are abroad in some strip clubs in the US for instance the chicks there also wear a lot glitter that always seems to come loose, lucky my maid does all the wash and not my wife
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Post at 5-5-2011 18:31  Profile P.M. 
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Have to agree with SEAJ, smoke = king. Even if you don't smoke, lock yourself in a small room/car, light a cigarette, and just hold it. Lucky for me, my coworkers are all chain smokers, so just sitting in their office for a few min gets rid of the soapy smell.
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Post at 5-5-2011 19:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 lean9088's post

I always check my clothes for smudges and I always drop all my clothes in the wash before I come home, especially when leaving HK because the washes are so darn cheap!  In China, it's even easier, cheap new clothes tossed away!

[ Last edited by  sexpert at 5-5-2011 19:51 ]
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 5-5-2011 20:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 sexpert's post

I still say there is nothing wrong with smelling clean.  I go to the gym fairly regularly come home smelling clean a lot. I guess everyone is different if there is a break in pattern
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Post at 9-5-2011 05:05  Profile P.M. 
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I hate it when some girls over-due their perfume.  I mane C'MON babe - do you really need to make this a difficult as possible?  Why not write your name on my cock as well??

If I am heading home shortly after punting than yeah..., not much option.  Can't go home smelling like pussy, so being freshly washed is the only option.  I'll try to jump in the shower immediately - before she notices how clean I am at the end of a long day.
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Post at 9-5-2011 06:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Stonecold's post

Or just turn the situation around like this:  have the WG shower first using the same soap/etc. as your SO.  That way, you smell like your SO no matter what.  (Aside from a slight foreign pussy scent.....)

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